> whats vince McMahon's legacy to professional wrestling?

whats vince McMahon's legacy to professional wrestling?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Stephanie McMahon.

A lot. He is a master promoter, fantastic commentator, and one of the best heels of all time. He is also a signature figure in the greatest generation of all time, greatest event, and possibly greatest moment. He also is almost solely responsible and made the WWE what it is today. Despite being the face of Steroids, Inc and his knowledge not being what it used to be (although not the extent most smarks would suggest, IMO) he has done arguably as much as anyone for the business.

to not acknowledge that it's professional wrestling and that it's "sports entertainment" instead, yet continue to keep the same "wrestlemania" for the annual pay-per-view known as wrestlemania, instead of changing the name to "entertainia". if vince is so against it being known as "wrestling", then he may as well change the name of "wrestlemania" to "entertainia".
