And will he win?
I think Undertaker will show up as Deadman. He almost has to. Bray Wyatt is this new dark and creepy gimmick and is calling out Taker saying Wyatt is the new fearful charcter. Part of the idea of this match is have the old school dark creepy gimmick of Taker vs dark new school Bray Wyatt. If Taker came out as the American Bad*ss or something else then it would not really make sense.
I am a bit torn on will he win or not. I feel like he should becaseu if he doesn't then The Streak would feel more tarnished. First 21-1 then 21-2 is showing that Undertaker is just not up to the challenge anymore. It also shows that Brock Lesnar's win over Taker is not as valuable. But if Taker wins then where does that leave BRay Wyatt? I kinda want the Undertaker to win but I feel that Bray Wyatt might win.
There won't be a change from The Deadman appearance -- and there will be a solid investment to make the walk to the ring a major event. Don't expect a match that lasts more than ten minutes, with Undertaker taking out Bray Wyatt -- who is the jobber to the stars.
The Full Blown Traditional Deadman Gimmick that The Undertaker does for Wrestlemania. The Torch Bearers, The Druids, The Pallbearers, The Fog Machines, Special Effects, etc.
Same as WM 30
Nah, the ABA doesn't set rocking chair on fire or thunders during the promo of the match. Remember, they are battling for the name "The new face of fear" so it's definitely the Deadman whose fighting Wyatt
he'll be the american bad *** again and end his career as the gimmick that reflects him more in his personal life
so he seems more human and then can attend events like the hall of fame and things of that nature instead of having to be in character all the time.
he is facing bray wyatt I think
Yes, as the Deadman.....!!