> favorite wrestlemania _________?

favorite wrestlemania _________?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
1 Favorite Wrestlemania

2 Title Match

3 non title match

4 undertaker match

5 moment

1. WrestleMania 17 no question..

2. The Rock vs Stone Cold Steve Austin. I'm considered it as Their Greatest match together. Those two had incredible Chemistry. It's prove How tough The Rock really was. He's the toughest challenge for Stone Cold Steve Austin. Either has keep kicking out of each other Finishers. It's help The Rock for being one of the Hardest champions to face. They'd make it more unpredictable to have Stone Cold Steve Austin to turned heel to have lot of help from his longtime Nemesis ( Vince McMahon)

3. Bret Hart vs Stone Cold Steve Austin. They're supposed to face each other for the WWE title and Main event But, Something has actually changed their Booking at the last minute. Probably, It's Shawn Michaels fault.

Back into the Question: Bret Hart vs Stone Cold Steve Austin at WrestleMania 13. It's created The toughest Sob around that time. Stone Cold Steve Austin's never give up. He just passed out.

4. Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 25.

5. Undertaker, Triple H and Shawn Michaels for saying it's The end of the era.

Wrestlemania 20

Cena vs. Rock at Mania 29

Hogan vs. Vince at Mania 19

Undertaker vs. Triple H at Mania 28

Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero celebrating at the end of Mania 20

Wrestlemania 19

Chris Benoit vs HBK vs HHH WM20

Steve Austin vs Bret Hart WM13

Edge vs Undertaker WM24

Hogan bodyslamming Andre 3

Wrestlemainia 1997

Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels Iron man

Bret Hart vs Steve Austin I Quit

Undertaker vs Sycho Sid

Floyd Money Mayweather breaking the Big Shows nose

I have to say, WrestleMania 20, WrestleMania, 29, WrestleMania, 30, and WrestleMania, 31.

1) WrestleMania XX

2) The Rock vs Austin - WM15

3) HBK vs Kurt Angle - WM21

4) Undertaker vs HBK - WM25

5) Daniel Bryan Title Win - WM30