> does anyone else hate daniel bryan?

does anyone else hate daniel bryan?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 

Don't get me wrong. Daniel Bryan is great inside the ring, he's over. But, how many times can you see The Yes! Chants, The Kicks and him powering down pro wrestlers he has zero reason to be powering down for The Yes! Lock?

I don't know if this is World Wrestling Entertainment's Creative [Although The People will claim this is by default] but Daniel Bryan is wearing rather thin.

YES! I know WWE limits move-sets to trade mark Pro Wrestlers and keep them healthy, but at the same time; look at Phil "CM Punk" Brooks or John Cena Vs Daniel Bryan.

Daniel Bryan's move-set is Copy & Paste, no editions, no subtle change in formula. It's Kicks, Dropkicks, Suicide Dives, Yes! Lock or Running Single Leg High Knee W/ Yes! Chants.

I've actually found myself enjoying Roman Reigns's matches more then I have Daniel Bryan's, Hell I enjoy Ryback's matches over Bryan's now.

It's just too much Rinse & Repeat, although Internet Wrestling Community will find a scapegoat elsewhere.

I'm not a huge fan of his, but I'd take Daniel Bryan over Roman Reigns anyday. At least Bryan can back up his in-ring skills with decent mic and promo skills. Roman Reigns is just mediocre all around.

Roman Reigns fans don't even know what words like work rate and promo mean.

He's annoying. He only got over because of that annoying thing with Kane in the anger management. He would say no and the audience would tease him saying yes as a joke. He got over as a joke. His fans are even more annoying they chant yes his whole match and then boo if he loses. His fans ruined last years mainevent because they cried and b*tched until he was in the mainevent. That was Batista's match but the fans didn't want it so they booed Batista out of the WWE and now they wonder when he's coming back. I'm glad vince and HHH put their foot down and kept the mainevent the same this year.

I'm not a fan of his but Hate is too strong a word.

hate the game not the playa.....

you don't hate bryan. you hate the booking and the stories that wwe is trying to force feed you.

Literally... YES!

I don't think much of Daniel Boone.