> (Experienced People) What do you think of this fight style?

(Experienced People) What do you think of this fight style?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
The best "guaranteed" winning fighting style is one that plays to your strengths and your opponent's weaknesses. Although nothing's guaranteed.

If you're aggressive in sparring, if you've got the gas tank to apply constant forward pressure, if you've got the footwork to cut of the ring, then being super-aggressive might work for you. But if you're slow, you keep your chin in the air, you throw one punch at a time instead of combinations, and you prefer to counter-strike in sparring, then you don't have the tools to make this work. I mean, are you bad enough to intimidate someone with a stare-down? Maybe you're not, I don't know.

Playing mind games is an add-on. Make sure you have good techniques and game planning. There are some guys who just won't be intimidated.

You have not described a fighting style yet, only what appears to be a gameplan, which would not work against an opponent with some experience.

Also, you'd surely benefit from working on your grammar, it needs alot of work.

Yeah, I've had my opponents do that to me and you think to yourself: "what a clown"

Not giving your opponents any advantages in a fight. If you can box better than he can but his clinch work is okay, **** the clinch, stand and box. If he's got really good leg kicks, work on lots of circling and checking. It takes years to learn how to fight aggressively good.

So your plan is to intimidate someone by doing nothing? That works on newbies who don't have much experience. It won't get you very far. But your money where your mouth is instead.

Hello fella. What'if yer opponent knows some thing hidden away from you too.

Either stay in school, or learn to use spell check. I’ll read it once the question is somewhat legible.

I am a kickboxer, 16 years old. Okay, if I make myself look intemidating by being quiet and being very consintrated and cross looking around the hall were my apponent can see me. I don't know him and he doesn't know me so he doesn't know what I'm like. In the ring if I come in an agressive and dominating manner will this bring my aponinents confidence down and effect him mentally and psyically? And for you, what's the best guarentied winning fighting style?