> Your favorite finisher of the Undertaker?

Your favorite finisher of the Undertaker?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
He's had like 4



Hell's Gate

Last Ride

My favorite was The Last Ride

Tombstone Piledriver

Tombstone Piledriver

Well we are talking "The Undertaker" so it has to be The Tombstone

The Last Ride was used with his AM Badass run which was a great move for him at that time

The Choke Slam goes with him which ever one he is doing.

Tombstone Piledriver. Not even a contest.

Jake the Snake's DDT and Undertaker's Tombstone are the two greatest finishers of all time.

Tombstone Piledriver

Hell's Gate

Tombstone, no question. So devastingly sharp, dropping a fully grown man on his head with a driven force. Hell's gate was also a nifty touch to his wide array of the deadman's moves.

Hell's Gate.

Nothing beats the Tombstone Piledriver, but I love all his finishing moves.
