> Wrestling section, what's your opinion on Bray Wyatt?

Wrestling section, what's your opinion on Bray Wyatt?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Do you like him, dislike him, or are you indifferent? Me personally, I'm a really big fan of his, because he always puts on a great match and he's a phenomenal mic worker in my opinion. What do you think of him, though?

Bray is a great heel with amazing promos. Hes talented in the ring for a man his size. Only problem is direction. With the Wyatt Family he was looking to take out people and cause pain, but even then he was all over the place: going against Kane one minute and "turning" Daniel Bryan into a Wyatt member for all of about 12 seconds.

His promos, while awesome and spot on, have become ramblings with no direction or purpose. Yes, he can talk eerily and play the role of a madman/cult leader persona but if its not being used correctly he's just some guy WWE keeps putting on TV for talking sake. Up until this proposed Undertaker feud at Wrestlemania, Wyatt hasn't been accomplishing much with his dark promos. Now that he has an opponent and a focus it drives the messages home.

Wyatt has come a long way since Husky Harris days, and I'm hoping he can fine tune his craft and WWE Creative will give him a direction to run with his crazy character because right now, despite being great on the mic, he is suffering. Even with an opponent like Dean Ambrose which in theory should have been a GREAT rivalry of two dysfunctional edgy characters, it became Bray spouting off the same longwinded crazy tirades and gimmicky match finishes.

Stop having "demonic" children sing to Cena to get a win.

Stop having "ghostly" holographs of Wyatt pop up in Hell in a Cell matches

He doesnt need special effects and cheap pops/OMG Moments of the year.. he needs wins and legitimacy

I like Bray Wyatt. Even though he plays a heel, it's hard to boo him because he's so funny and entertaining. He's one of the reasons I try to tune into WWE every week when I can. I like Bray Wyatt mostly for what he says when he speaks on the mic and his style of cutting promos. I also like when he feuds with wrestlers that are creepy and/or weird like him. For example, a feud between him and The Boogeyman would have been entertaining, as if the two could compete to see which one is the weirdest in a way.

I'm indifferent. He is a good character wwe hasn't done enough with, it's true he can put on very good matches but he is fully character driven.

This is why I want wwe to push the envelope, he does promos on undertaker every week but there should be more to it than what there is. I think with a little more creativity and some direction you could have an amazing character with wyatt

Hate him.

He's stupid and uninteresting.

All he does is spout metaphors

His feuds have no real reason to them.

WWE depends too heavily on camera tricks and crap.

The commentators are constantly having to sell you on his "creepiness" or whatever.

He's just a fat bearded guy with a really flexible back.... (WTF is the purpose of the back bend sh*t, anyway?)

He talks too much and says the same things each sentence, only with different words.

Other than his back, the man has no real athletic ability, except throwing himself around the ring like a moron; shouting and laughing the whole time.


It's all too forced. Bray Wyatt needs to be toned down a lot more to be convincing. He could be good, but WWE once again does way too much and too often.

Once again, Bray Wyatt is just a metaphor spouting, blowhard bearded fatass. For the life of me, I can't figure out what there is to like about that stupid gimmick.

I like him alot. Very athletic for being a fairly big guy. Also, cuts some of the best promos. Whenever he speaks i find myself interested. I'll be at monday night raw. It's planned Taker will answer to Bray Wyatt. Cant wait to see it. should be sick

I don't have anything bad to say I just don't get why a lot fans like him now that he's Bray Wyatt an when he was Husky Harris

those fans were saying that WWE needs get rid of him

It still him they just change his name like they did with Kane

I'm neutral. He's good on the mic and fairly athletic, but his matches are boring. He has the ability to put on a good match, but he just doesn't know HOW to and needs a seasoned veteran in the ring with him to basically tell him what to do. He just needs to learn how to tell a great story while in a match and he'd be set.

I love him. Although he doesn't yet have the magic that The Undertaker had back in his days (though He's incomparable, isn't he!), he's still great at what he does. And he's already had enjoyable matches with Bryan and Ambrose. And the way he trolled us at Fastlane, he reminded me of CM Punk (He did similar stuff on Jeff Hardy' departure). So, I think he's one of the best new talent in WWE right now :)


A good wrestler good gimmick has charisma and has good promos he could somewhat become the undertaker of this era if written and booked right