> Wrestling: What were the official dates of the Attitude Era?

Wrestling: What were the official dates of the Attitude Era?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Like when did it officially kicked off and when did it end?

When Austin won the title from HBK at Mania 14.

Ended when The Rock lost to Brock Lesnar at Summerslam 02.

BQ: I think they were both megastars. Both equals. True rivals.

I'd say that it was 1998-2001.

When Lesnar defeated The Rock at Summerslam in 2002, it was the end of the Attitude Era and the beginning of the Ruthless Aggression Era.

Beginning Date: When The WWF started stealing Paul Heyman's Ideas.

End Date: When WWF drove ECW out of business.

I have to say

August 1997 to December 2001

December of 1997 and ended Wrestlemania 17

Don't know specific dates but it started in the mid 90's around 96 and went into the early 2000's .i think it ended when wcw ecw merged with wwf

it doesn't have an official start or end date- most say it ended either with Steve Austin's heel turn or the invasion storyline in 2001

wrong. it started when Austin became Stone Cold and ended when he walked out on the company.