> Wrestling: What was the last WrestleMania you were excited about?

Wrestling: What was the last WrestleMania you were excited about?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Since a lot of people are saying that they are not looking forward to this year's WM and that some are planning to skip through most of it, What was the last WM that you were excited about?


Wrestlemania 19

Really WrestleMania 28 for the Streak match. Now that that is done I highly doubt WrestleManias will ever be the same again. And actually I will be putting it on the Monday after just to check out a few of the matches but I will not watch the full show. Boring

WM 30 but only because Daniel Bryan. but before that probably like WM 25. the Road to Wrestlemanias have gotten worse and worse every year. I don't know how they expect many people to get excited.

wrestlemania 30

wrestlemania 26 because of edge and jericho and i threw a party

I got to see 29 live so definitely that. I didn't watch 30 but I'm watching this year.

Probably 28. I honestly probably won't watch Mania at all this year.