I was never a fan and I'm frankly flabbergasted that he was ever a World Champion. It's a stain on that title's legacy. As big a stain as David Arquette or even Khali? No. But maybe as bad as Mark Henry/Vince McMahon. I just think a World Championship, heavyweight class or otherwise should be treated with a lot more respect than that. Miz shouldn't have ever been in the main event picture and shouldn't have ever been more than a midcard attraction. Just not a very good wrestler and horrible outside the ring.
Let's put it this way. When I was a kid I used to love to hate Kevin Nash, Piper, and The Horsemen to name a few. But I also loved them. I loved to watch them because I knew they'd be entertaining. But with Miz, kind of like Kronik or The Not-So-Great Khali, I just wanted him to go away. I just don't want him on my TV.
The Miz has come a long way, his problem is mainly what The WWE gives him and his previous fascination of doing creepy overzealous faces during anything. He's improved in the ring, he's a master on the microphone; he's pretty much WWE's Gofer. Go Here, Do That; Be in This.
His work with Damien Mizdow has been fantastic, best tag-team since when he tagged with John Morrison in WWECW.
Miz shoulda stuck to The Real Life. He's just not believable as a wrestler.
I wasn't a fan when he was champion, but I've actually grown to like him. I think he's extremely entertaining. His role right now is a little downplayed, and I think he could go a little further with it.
I would say he is average but has some good moments. He can be funny and entertaining.
If he was anywhere else besides wwe he would be a big fish in a small pond
I can't stand him.
That's why he's one of the best heels in the WWE right now. He gains so much heat that it's easy to hate him.
He;s a good wrestler,
I'm not a fan of his though....!!
he is very disgusting in this wwe
can they fire him? let him go to hollywood to make movies for hallmark channel and abc family....