> Would bruce lee have been good at MMA?

Would bruce lee have been good at MMA?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
if he were alive today and in peak condition. would he have been the best and champ out of all the MMA guys their.

or would he have got his behind kicked in.

No because Bruce shunned using the martial arts for competition. He saw how unrealistic the fighting was in terms of self defense and even saw how learning to fight under rules created bad habits for the individual that would get them killed in reality. Bruce's only focus was learning practical martial arts. MMA doesnt meet those standards.

@? , I wasnt giving my opinion. Bruce Lee openly stated that he had no interest in competition. He was only concerned with realistic combat.

I believe in his prime 21 up to late 30's, in the bantam weight division? 130-140lbs he would be a very formidable force if not Bantam weight champion. Why? Had the opportunity posed itself to learn & cross train in all forms of martial arts (as it does today), Bruce would have definately taken that opportunity and excelled. He may have even been a pushing force in evolving MMA past what it is today, after all there are no abilities hidden from the Octogon fighters and fans, like their were in Bruce's time.

I know the guy above me states that Bruce sought and developed realistic techniques, it does not mean that he is against testing skill in competition to excel at personal attributes. I think he would have known the difference between keeping deadly force out of the Octagon and still been able to train in both.

If he trained MMA today I predict he would likely be the 145 or 155 pound champ. People can say he was "just an actor" but his speed and athletism is inhuman. I beielve espn or something listed the top 100 greatest athletes and Bruce lee was listed as the pound for pound strongest athlete ever.

Bruce Lee was already moving toward a mixed fighting style as were many others at the time. MMA is not new, just the sport fighting part.

cheif rajin thats very dumb of you to say his issue was with point fighting he loved real fighting not point fighting mma is real fighting. you just dont understand mma. but ya bruce lee wasnt capable of beating anybody in the ufc bas rutten said so le took some time to learn bjj he could of been a great fighter i just dont think he had good enough sud defense for mma

i agree hes very very strong,fast and powerful,but hes not the only one who got that ability there are lots of mma fighters got that ability too,but to answer ur question if lee would be gud at mma i think yes coz hes in great shape,he has great cardio,stamina and endurance,very advanced fighting skills,has great tactical mind and the mentioned[very very strong...} above,but lets admit although he got inhuman skills hes still a human being lik us he can still be punched,kicked,ground and pound,be knockout and feel pain.

but above all lee is a good trainer,although i havent hav the oppurtunity to be trained with him,i still take all of his fighting and workout advices.

He was an actor with minimal martial arts talent.

As an actor, he may have been used to fool people even more...

MMA is like wrestling....FAKE!

if he were alive today and in peak condition. would he have been the best and champ out of all the MMA guys their.

or would he have got his behind kicked in.