> Will the Mariners EVER be good?

Will the Mariners EVER be good?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Haven't you noticed? Five years ago the team was terrible, after Bavasi's tenure as GM. Zduriencik's has rebuilt the farm system so the team relies more in homegrown talent. His trades haven't been the greatest, but they haven't been terrible either.

Over the past 2.5 seasons, we've seen steady, though not stellar, improvement. While I hate to say wait till next year, I expect to see a pretty good team in 2014 or maybe 2015.

But the folks with short memories don't remember what Bavasi did to the team. They should.

First things first, Howard Schultz will never own a Seattle Sports team again. Bill Gates has no interest in sports. That leaves Paul Allen (he already owns 2 teams) and Steve Ballmer( Interest in getting the Sonics to return.

Somebody along the lines would buy the team, but to buy a team the team must be for sale.

This team has had very good improvement since 2010. The Adam Jones trade was faulted by Bavasi and many other moves. Jack Z gets hate because we're not great overnight but give it time.

The Mariners have been good, specifically in the late 90s and early 00s.

Prospects! If the future players are solid…the future team is solid

trade them for a basketball team lol.

Their bound to explode pretty soon...

Probably not.

Every single year its the exact same thing with the M's. Were always not horrible but were nowhere near good and there is always a few young promising players but thats not good enough and when they become a star the Mariners Just let them go for nothing!!!(Griffey, randy johnson, Arod) And there always trading away young stars for a sack of potatos.(Adam Jones, Carlos Guillen, Doug Fister sorta) I know the farm sytem is strong but i still feel like they'll find a way to screw it up and stay bad as always.........Also i dont understand why dont they just sell the team, Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Steve Balmer, Mr.Amazon and even Mr.Starbucks(even though he killed the Sonics) are all Seattle guys and they're all Billionaires so why not buy the team???