> Will Jeter become SS hit king this weekend?

Will Jeter become SS hit king this weekend?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
7 hits in a weekend, probably not, but certainly by the end of the week.

However, Wagner didn't make his first appearance at shortstop until 1901, by which time he had already accumulated more than 650 hits, including a 201-hit season and a batting title. Jeter already holds the record for the most hits as a shortstop (with 3,330 as of yesterday).

Passing them is like passing wind.

So the only valid answer is no.

Can people please stop sucking up to George Steinbrenner's gold-digging boyfriend? You people make me sick.

your question is good

Currently about 7 hits away from putting both Yastremski and Honus Wagner in the rear view mirror. Passing Wagner will give Jeter more hits then any shortstop in MLB history. Do you think it will be this weekend? Make your prediction. I predict Monday he passes them.