> Will I win this fight or not ?

Will I win this fight or not ?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
I agree with Shaeeck but I'll play along

First if you fight the guy you've already lost. And this is because there's not point to fighting him. So you lost your honor (if you ever had any).

Second, you'd get your @$$ handed to you if he's real and has that much training at the level you claim. Even a few years of good training in any of them would be enough to crush you.

My suggestion is to stop trolling, and to get some anger management classes. Oh and get off the steroids and they're bad for your health and will get you messed up when you have a 'roid rage incident and someone who knows how to defend themselves cleans your clock

So after someone called you out as a big troll and pointed out that your question history shows that, you went and deleted the question then you put all your settings on private. Then you posted this question in the hope of no one pointing out that you were a troll again??

You didn't succeed sorry... nice try though...

I have a feeling this is a terrible joke but Il'l play.

First off, why fight? Ignore him, or report him because physical violence solves nothing. Unless its self defense.

Seeing as how he's lighter, he might have a lot more mobility than you so don't be surprised if he's faster than you.

You are pretty heavy-built so I can imagine you running out of stamina really quick. With all that muscle, you probably will be very slow when it comes to striking. I suggest focusing more on flexibility and running for speed and stamina. Then you might have a chance.

If he has martial arts, and you have strength, you will get wrecked.

That's all I can say. In my opinion, with him knowing Muay Thai, Jujitsu and BJJ, you will lose.

Especially if you don't do many martial arts yourself, you will not know what to expect, but it's not very difficult to know what to expect from a boxer.

I am a secret red belt (thats after black) in Ninjitsu.

The answers in the video:

you will come in with punches. mess. he will clinch up with you & knee you in the head. you will drop down face down.

I predict the "Troll" getting waxed in very short time.

Probably not.

I'm about 270 lbs do bodybuilder shows and a pretty good boxer. Theres a guy in the gym who really annoys me he's like 180lbs and I know he is an instructor for muay thai kick boxing a black belt in jiujitsu and a black belt in Brazilian jiujitsu but I think I might give him a beating one of these days because he really annoys me. he looks at me some days like I'm dirt and never even says hi even though I've seen in him training in the gym for like 5 years.

Do you think I will be able to take him down in a fight and how do you see this fight going ?