> Why was the Attitude Era so flawless?

Why was the Attitude Era so flawless?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Everyone hates the current WWE product and praises the attitude era and wishes we could go back to that time. In your opinion, why was the attitude era so perfect and flawless to everyone wants. Return back to that time? I remember it in its later years around approx. 1999-2000 is when I started watching so I didn't experience it from the very beginning but ill agree it was better back then.

from my experience about watching many matches back that I would have forgotten (thanks to the network) Is Yes the attitude era was very good for the characters. Kane,Undertaker,The Rock,Stone Cold etc These guys were all bad *** and I can see why so many people watched it.

However I did notice a lot more botches and moves not timed right in that era than now. And I was able to see when they had to cover up the botches too. Dont get me wrong, some of the stuff was great!

I guess the lack of good wrestling was disguised by thongs,beer,cussing,hardcore matches,blood and badasness lol

Nostalgia makes everything seem better than it really was. But I guess it's because most people who got thrown into this PG era were used to things being edgier. Especially if you were a kid growing up watching that era & then suddenly you're an adult & everything goes PG. People don't like change. I actually prefer the Ruthless Aggression era. But that's just me.

it wasn't flawless... people simple gloss over all the flaws... much like after a break up, people will look back fondly on the 'sexy-time' but fail to remember the slaps, the broken dishes or the shouting matches

Look no farther than Mae Young's pregnancy, Katie Vick et al

The writing isn't very good now. There were a lot of exciting storylines back then but now it's just the sos. Plus, everything's online now so nothing's really a shock anymore. Fans have more room to complain.

it wasn't flawless AT ALL - that's rose coloured nostalgia glasses for you- there was a lot of horrible wrestlecrap on AE era programming- we/and history just remember the great stuff

Anything could happen.

Actions had consequences.

Biggest stars/ratings/draws of any eras.

Crowd interactions.

Matches booked better.

Storyline progression, show-by-show, month-by-month, year-by-year.

All the card mattered.

It wasn't flawless

It wasn't perfect but if fans didn't like something wwe didn't try to force it on them.

who says this?