> Why the hell did WWE go with big show?

Why the hell did WWE go with big show?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
I get it's the Andre battle royal and big show is a today's poor man's version of Andre but why didn't WWE go with Ryback or Mizdow. Who actually cares about big show nowadays?

All Big Show Fans Duh! I love the Big Show and always have since I was a little kid now I am an adult and still love him . Why did they pick him well lets see he has the same exact disease/disorder that Andre The Giant so that is why he got chosen as well that he is good. Also to take note did you know that Andre The Giant let Hulk Holgan win the final battle so Andre could retire and that allowed Hulk to have this big win to show off Hulk as such a big opponent. The disease/disorder that Andre and Big Show have is a serious condition and wrestling can effect it by a lot. Thankfully the Big Show did the surgery needed to pro long the disease/ disorder where as Andre did not. Just some facts.

It was more a lifetime achievement award for Big Show since his career's winding down. Andre was king of the battle royals and Show is always compared to him so they let him have it.

'Today's Poor Man's Version' GTFO You have no idea What in the blue hell you are talking about, Damien Mizdow didn't NEED to win he got over with what he did to The Miz; Ryback? Honestly.

That Battle Royal was a big f*ck you to WWE smarks.

nothing wrong with it. I thought they would of done a swerve and actually put over new people and let Erik Rowen get the surprise win.

He deserved it. Mizdow shouldn't had won it.

Who cares not like it means anything