> Why is randy orton not considered the youngest champion?

Why is randy orton not considered the youngest champion?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
I was just wondering why randy orton is not considered the youngest wwe world heavyweight champion, because he won the original WHC at 24 and so many days but Lesnar won the original WWE title at 25 and so many days, but seen as they have both been unified now why is Lesnar still considerd the youngest WWE World Heavyweight Champion?

Because Brock is currently on the Roster...

and as good as Orton is, he was given the 'hot-shot' to the Gold at that time, as much to take that honor away from Brock

That Orton won his Belt off of 'He who shall not be named' also is probably a contributing factor

WWE goes on and off about the importance of the WHC and like to often consider the WWE title as THE title. Therefore, making Lesnar's title the only one of significant importance. Especially considering they are trying to promote him and part of promoting is leaving facts out when you can.

Because while he was the youngest WHC he was not the youngest WWE champion, at TLC 2014 they unified both titles so to be the youngest WWE WHC you need to be the youngest to ever hold both titles

Well it's all bs anyway maybe it's youngest WWE champion as in WWE title not HWC?

I don't think any money or prestige comes with being the youngest championship...it's just fun trivia

He's trash