> Why is jiu jitsu so boring in the MMA?

Why is jiu jitsu so boring in the MMA?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Good wrestlers with decent submission defense spend a lot of time training BJJ.

I also can't recall when a "good wrestler with decent submission defense took out black belts with ease". A stalemate isn't "taking out with ease". It's a stalemate.

I personally find a lot of grappling matches (BJJ or no-gi) to be far more boring than MMA, and I'm saying that as someone who enjoys grappling as an activity. I guess "boring" can be subjective, but at least in MMA, for me, I find the fact that ground-and-pound can change the complexion of a match, or the fact that a fighter might just stand up and abandon the ground game, to be more exciting. There's more potential than guys only moving their leg three inches further up the guy's back, only to have his guard get shut down. Or double-guard pulls that result in a stalemate from 50/50.

I think bjj is doing fine in mma, the problem is many spectators (I'm not saying it's you, as I don't know if you train or not) don't understand the intricacies of grappling. For people who do bjj it's a very interesting match as the strategy and work going into the grappling in the octagon is top notch. But from a spectator perspective, it's just them laying on each other with the occasional punch.

Wrestlers and bjj practitioners are very good at what they do, and typically if you have someone who trains both he will clean up in the octagon. I don't think it's a matter of it evolving, it's a matter of how they train and what they combine their bjj with.

We're all going to see some exciting BJJ when Kron Gracie steps into the MMA arena. He is one of the best technical grapplers on the planet.

I don't find it boring I find it interesting.

its boring as sht just 2 guys hugging on the ground 4 15-25 minutes.

One on one jiu jitsu matches seem to be entertaining but when it comes to mma its rarely entertaining most of the time it looks just ends up being a wrestling match and the guy on top and bottom just seem to be stale mate. Good wrestlers with decent submission defense seem to take out black belts with ease. Does anyone else think BJJ needs to evolve in MMA?