> Why is indy wrestling so overrated?

Why is indy wrestling so overrated?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Most of the IWC acts if Indy promotions like ROH, CZW or any other promotion are filled with 5 star matches. And though some matches are great. There are A Lot of crappy matches. All I see is guys doing a bunch of flips and kicks, unneeded high spots and a bunch of false finishers. They go overboard. Its like they will do a 360 pile driver from the turnbuckle and the opponent will kick out at 2 and etc. False finisher after false finisher after false finisher.

They concerate to much on their spots than the actual story in the ring.

Plus all I see is kick, kick. Kick. Insane move, submission, kick, kick, flip, kick, kick, submission, flase finisher, false finsher, kick, kick, flip etc.

Where's the diversity in wrestling style and size. All I see is small guys. Where's the big guy. Where's the variety of wrestling styles. And WHERE'S the characters. All I see is a bunch of Lance Storm and Dean Malenkos. Great in ring technician but are so boring because their lack of character or charisma.

Plus, why does the IWC hate Jeff hardy for being a "spotmokey" when that's what most Indy wrestlers are

Jeff Hardy is far from a 'Spot Monkey', you want to see 'Spot Monkey' look at Kofi Kingston who gets by via Athleticism rather then actual ability inside the ring; Kingston is a glorified 'Spot Monkey'.

Red Roster once told me "Not all pro wrestling needs a reason" when I questioned why The People should pay attention to Evolve 18 iPPV. This is how Indie Marks think, it's become 'Anti-WWE' thus since it's 'Anti-Majority' it's 'Better'; when in reality most Indie shows feel like you are stepping back to The 1950s.

Professional Wrestling like most Television, Movies, Video Games, ect is held together due to 'Suspension of disbelief' the thing is there is only a limited amount of 'Suspension of disbelief' before reality starts setting in; which is the problem with random Indie 'Supercards' with zero purpose. There is, no reason; to watch.

To give this a better example at New Japan Pro Wrestling's Wrestle Kingdom 9 their Fifth match was Minoru Suzuki Vs Kazushi Sakuraba, two Mixed Martial Art Legends having a 'Fight' on a Professional Wrestling Card; even 'Good Ol' JR' Jim Ross had trouble calling this match seriously even though [should be zero surprise to nobody] Dave Meltzer gave Minoru Suzuki Vs Kazushi Sakuraba a ***?.

As Eric Bischoff stated ""Gimmick" matches with no arc, no established stakes, reflect lack of story, characters, and basic understanding of the genre.", that doesn't only go for 'Gimmick' matches that goes for Professional Wrestling as a whole. No Purpose, No Draw; Zero Reason to purchase, attend, ect.

If you have an entire card of professional wrestling and everyone is doing the same Stiff Arm Chops, Kicks and 'Fighting Spirit' ........, what makes anyone stand out? Nothing, that is why Indie Promotions are Indie.

Independent Wrestling is overrated by people who never have actually gone to an Independent Wrestling Show.

you have to start somewhere. you can't just go to wrestling camp for 5 months and all of sudden be on national tv. and come on paying $10-$20 for a local fed might be more entertaining than watching somebody talk for 3 hours. and the ONLY reason NXT is entertaining is because it has indy stars.....FACT

It appears you have watched Dragon Gate and/or Dragon Gate USA, who are notorious for their spamming of finishing maneuvers. Yes, strong-style wrestling, especially in Japan, concentrates more on the sports/technical aspect of wrestling. It really depends on where the promotion is from.

But I do agree that indy promotions are notorious for spot-monkeying.

Though I have to say (and maybe I will get a bit of heat for this) that maybe we are a bit too pampered by the likes of WWE with the whole story telling and storyline stuff. The characters are often established more in the segments, building up the feuds outside the ring. Back in the day (note that I'm NOT trying to say that everything was better), a traditional "feud" was two guys cutting promos in interview style how guy one is going to bash guy two's head in and/or win the title, and maybe one guy interfering with another one's match or the heel just using illegal tactics and being a d*ck to fans in promos and entrances just to show he is the bad guy. The entire gimmick was just one personality trait cranked up to eleven and displayed in an over-exaggerated manner in the ring and the promo. Everything was kept relatively simple. With the rise of WCW and WWF/E storylines began to become more complex. What I'm trying to say here is that it was more treated like a competitive sport and the feuds were there to peak interest. Strong style uses more traditional methods and puts it's emphasis on the sport aspect. There is nothing wrong with strong-style, just the way it's handled.

Though that doesn't mean that it doesn't make it automatically any good. It's the lack of psychology that makes those matches so bad. Everyone just seems to be eager to show what they can do instead of having any progression in the match.

I'm going to try and make up a good story/progression of a professional wrestling match:

So let's say we have two wrestlers in ring, both technical, one leaning more on the high-flying style and one more on the submission style. They lock up. High-fly guy gets dominated in chain wrestling. Submission guy tries to get an early victory by locking high-fly guy in a submission, but high-fly guy still has enough power to escape. High-fly guy escapes the lock up, though he got one body part injured from the submission hold. Naturally, high-fly guy tries to hold his distance so submission guy can't get a hold of him. High-fly guy punches, kicks, and flies (of course), and avoids submission guy's attempts to grab him again and to power him out, careful to not put too much stress on his injured body part. But high fly guy miscalculates a move and lands unfortunately, straining his injury even more. Submission guy sees his opportunity and attacks said body part. He continues to work this body part, in hopes of making high-fly guy tap or being able to pin him. High-fly guy is trying to fight submission guy off with moderate to little success, but still putting up a good fight. Now you could end the match right here and make either make submission guy (high-fly guy just can't stand the pain anymore) or high-fly guy (hitting his finisher or a swift move in a moment of distraction or through a surprise pin using additional leverage with both feet on the top rope).

They are better than wwe that's for sure

"Fans" dont hate Hardy for being a drug addict. They hate him for other obvious reasons