> Why do some WWE fans hate women so much?

Why do some WWE fans hate women so much?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Last night they were chanting "you suck Cena/you suck Bryan/you suck Tyson/you suck Punk" at the Divas match.... what makes a smarky misogynerds have so little respect and want to degrade women?

Being friendzoned too much? mummy issues?- i wanna know.

not sure tbh

Cause this girls are more into the relationships and the hoopla than the actual work and there matches suck ***.

That is why the bellas are known now cause before they were fillers but since that stupid show and them dating 2 main guys even on egot married that is hw they get recognized but the ring work is so pathetic but not everyone take a look at NXT and see what women wrestling supposed to look like they are amazing.

Because overall the fans are ignorant and caught up in the 'mass hysteria/herd mentality." I do not go to house shows because I do not enjoy house shows; I enjoy televised shows. This is precisely the reason that I do not go: They are too loud, they give me a headache from there ceaseless chanting. The only chant that got a reaction from me is when they chanted Kurt Angle sucks-and I smiled 'cause I knew he sucked good. (play on words) But seriously, they are all caught up in the herd mentality, they why they do stupid things like that. Its a form of peer pressure, of seeking to win your neighbor's approval.

I don't think it was the hating on women thing so much as it was the typical after WM RAW crowd...this crowd is typically more rowdy and chanting often inappropriate things at times. Doubtful we will get that from the more standard WWE RAW crowds going forward.

It's more of a IWC problem, than a anti-women problem.

They also had negative reactions for Cena, Reigns, Orton, and other wrestlers who the IWC considers to be "stale" or "shoved down people's throats".

The ones who were majorly cheered were Bryan, Ziggler, Mizdow, AJ, Paige, and anyone else who the IWC sees as one of their favorites. Even Neville got cheers and it was his first night being on the main roster.

I wouldn't say they were against women, because they also made anti-Cena comments, anti- big show comments, anti- reigns comments, and anti- just about everyone besides the guys who are over with the IWC. They were just a loud crowd who was picking on almost everyone. They did a huge Bailey chant.

I was at WM, and I laughed when fans started chanting "John Cena Sucks!" during his entrance it was the greatest thing ever!

I was there at the show last night and didn't hear that.

has nothing to do with women

matches are too short