> Why do Americans love Rafael Palmeiro so much?

Why do Americans love Rafael Palmeiro so much?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
What is the purpose of this question?

I really don't know what people you are talking about that have such great love for him. He had a solid HOF career but turned out to be just another player using drugs. For him the HOF is probable out the window and respect for him has also headed south.

Must have been his impressive acting skills, as demonstrated in his Viagra commercials and his appearance before Congress. And let's not forget his brief, but inspiring turn as "himself" in the blockbuster hit "Little Big League". Never before, or since, has filmdom seen such an accurate 30 second portrayal of one's self. Why I weep just thinking about it.

Why he hasn't been offered a multi-film deal by one of the major studios is a mystery to me.

When we think of Rangers legends, Palmeiro ain't ever brought up lol. We tend to think Nolan Ryan or Fergie Jenkins.

He was never that popular here in Baltimore when he was at his peak, 40/100 plus every year. I don't know where you get that. He virtually disappeared after he testified, pointed and said he never used steroids.

Troll lol

You are now in the troll category.


I never knew we did.

I can't believe that he is still the greatest baseball legend. He hit 569 homeruns and had 3020 hits. The media was going crazy when he hit his 500th homerun. People in Texas absolutely loved him. I mean he was not even born in America. He is from Cuba but he was much more popular than AROD and Hank Blalock.

Yes, Barry Bonds hit more home runs but he played in California which is a much bigger market. Mr.Palmeiro played for Texas. I still can't believe that Texas actually had such a legend player. Why do people still think that he was a great American hero?