> Why are there so many terrible first pitches?

Why are there so many terrible first pitches?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Great - you could throw a ball better when you first started.

Did you do so in front of 40,000 people and a television audience?

Or were you with a few people in your backyard?

HUGE difference.

Well, Carly Rae Jepsen isn't an athlete at all, but some guys like 50 cent disappointed me.

I'm sure some purposely do it poorly for publicity.

60 1/2 feet is a long way to throw a baseball for a beginner. Even more especially if he is age 8 or less.

They haven't done it, and they don't bother to practice. As you note, a few throws should be sufficient.

Why is it really hard for a non-baseball player to even throw a ball 60.5 feet to the catcher? I'm not saying that you have to throw a strike but over the past little while, I've started to notice that their throws can't even reach the glove.

Even when I first started throwing a ball, I could throw better than them.