> Why are some MMA fans so obnoxious?

Why are some MMA fans so obnoxious?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Same reason there are obnoxious fans for any sports, human nature.

Among a group, there will always be a few jerks.

Having trained in mma, I apologize for few jerks that think they know it all. However to state that martial arts is not for fighting I think is the wrong attitude.

Thinking it’s only about fighting is wrong too in my opinion. However, to emphasize the tradition and the life style it brings before efficiency in fighting when the style was created that purpose is wrong in my opinion. Like taking a medicine not for its intended effect, but for the side effect. Martial arts has very position side effects and they should be properly recognized for that. However to make the side effect the main part I think is wrong way of using martial art. Probably worse than using martial arts for only fighting(although the effect on the society is probably better…).

Not trying to say you should accept my views as the law, but something I think would be worth thinking about. Also this talk of efficiency doesn't mean go train mma. Rather you should be focused in efficiency in fighting using your own style and discovering better methods hidden within the styles for dealing with variety of the situations.

A lot of sports have obnoxious fans; some to more of an extent while other sports to a lesser. A lot of it has to do if it is a contact sport like football, boxing, or MMA or instead something like baseball, tennis, or golf I think. The more physical contact the more obnoxious fans are drawn to it in general. They are wanting to see blood, or a vicious knockout, and seem to revel in a fighter absorbing a beating. They of course are not the ones in the ring or cage taking that beating either though and I think they oftentimes fantasize about being the fighter delivering it. A lot of them are uneducated and have never fought themselves in organized or structured fighting and so they have no other frame of reference than their own blood lust.

Conversely some fans are not this way and many ex-fighters are not either. They know and understand the sweat, work, and effort it involves in training to be able to fight in the ring or cage. Many also never really want to see a fighter seriously hurt either as they know and can identify with the ramifications of that for that fighter.

I pretty much ignore the types that your question asks about when encountering them at an event. They usually are so hyped on the moment and caught up in the excitement of things as well as maybe being under the influence of a few beers or something else that no amount of reasoning will reach them. Sometimes when I encounter these types in the gym I can affect some change in them if a dialog gets started between us or they work out with the group that I work out with but otherwise they are not so easily swayed in changing their thinking about all this.

Because MMA is a sport, not a martial art, so there is no philosophy or moral component to it. And as with any sport, there will be jerks. Whats worse is that its violent nature tends to attract a lot of low-lifes and thugs. That's not to say that everyone who watches MMA is a lowlife, jerk or thug but of course the people who are are more outspoken and give a bad reputation to the rest.

Let's not make all of them Obnoxious. I know some dudes that are MMA fans and are pretty cool. Doesn't anything has at least 5% Jerk in them? Not just MMA. Ask them Math questions, they're usually stupid.

i doubt theres ever been a study done on that

maybe u were offended and just exprapolated a huge number

to back up your statement

but i digress

obviously at an arena where beer is served ud sure to get one

or two asswipes who are looking for a fight

What's wrong with that? The louder they bark the weaker they are lol And traditional styles are pretty lethal if you know how to use it.

A lot of them go on traditional martial arts videos and would start crap. Most of them saying "you couldn't in a real fight with that". Martial arts is a lifestyle, it's not always about fighting. I like MMA but other fans just always ruin things. I love learning martial arts and practiced it when I was younger to help me with asthma, and I respect traditional martial arts teachings and philosophy and I understand why it could be considered not well functioning in a fight. But still I love it.