> Why all this Yankee hate ?

Why all this Yankee hate ?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
While some Yankee fans ARE classy and knowledgeable, others appear to be major hypocrites. Also, some fans don't like the Yankees because they claim they "buy" championships, and like to point out the fact that they've won the most World Series Championships.

Also, some Yankees fan complained how unfair it was when Seattle threw big money at Cano to obtain his services, and failed to acknowledge their favorite team has been doing the same thing for quite some time.

It's just a thing that teams get hated on when they offer a player an enormous contract. It doesn't matter if the team is good or bad. Bad teams get ridiculed for the same thing. The Yankees just have the money so they seem to get more hate because they sign a lot of big contracts with players.

For example the hate for the Mariners was huge on here as well when they signed Robinson Cano. Same with the Angels for Josh Hamilton or Albert Pujols. I wouldn't take it personal. I'm not a Yankee fan, But I don't necessarily hate them either. But I know that if the Royals or Padres had the Money they'd spend the money on big players as well. But in the end it takes more than money to win games. It does give you a better opportunity though.

Well I used to like them, but hate them now because they have too many old players. To me they leave too much of a target on their back signing the best players, that it gives playoff teams an added incentive to knock them off. Think about how some of these younger teams feel when they play the Yankees. Their thinking to themselves man imagine if we knocked off these veteran guys, we could be on our way to being legends. See I have more respect for how that 1996 team was built, it wasn't about names we could get, it was about names we already had. Not that having a handful of names in free agency is bad, but when there is literally none in your starting lineup that you have gotten from the farm and few in your starting rotation from the farm, you see my point.

Also personally I would rather be in the underdog role playing more younger players. Also Baseball in my opinion is so unpredictable that even the team with the best record stands no better a chance to win the whole enchilada in my eyes than the team with the worst record in the playoffs. I mean just look at the world series winners over the last 15 years, only 3 teams in the last 15 years won the world series with the best record in baseball. I believe having a winning team of young players that flies under the radar where most fans don't expect much are the most dangerous teams because of the element that baseball is unpredictable. I mean if we had an 86 win team win the world series in 2014 it would come as no surprise to me whatsoever because record isn't everything.

Don't stress out about it. I love the Yankee hatred from these losers. The Yanks are the most relevant team in all sports. Think of it this way: The ownership of my team will spend anything to put a championship caliber team on the field every year. I wouldn't have it any other way. Other teams do not spend all they can to win. Thats why they hate The Yanks, bc they wish their team was run the same way. Just feel sorry for them. I told my son, if you want to root for another team, go ahead. But you're gonna have to watch me celebrate a championship every few years while you may wait your whole life. He got the picture, he loves the Yanks.

Well most people root for the underdogs right? ikik that itcan be over the top, but if you were a lifelong oirles fan and they finally win after 20 years and who comes with their giant meathammer? The Yankees. bam. all their hopes go byebye. and thats how it is. also the yankees have obscene amounts of money that only 2 other teams can match. Do you enjot seeing the miami heat win every year? nope. and thats why people dislike the yanks.

Everybody hates the Yankees because there good. They all say they bout the world series by buying good players. that's not true. With all the Injuries I am surprised they almost made playoffs last season. They had like 6 out of there starting 9 on the disabled list including big names like the Granderson, Teixeira, Jeter, and the most hated A-rod. C'mon give him a break.(DEMPSTER!!!!!!!!). I forgot to say, I am a die hard Yankees fan

I rarely even think about the Yankees enough to hate them, more power to them if they want to go out and sign the Japanese All Star team it wouldn't bother me either. Other than the 6 or so games my team plays against the Yankees each season I could careless about the Yankees.

I'm sorry but I was taught that way when I was 2 years old, and have been doing it all of my life, my family was originally Brooklyn Dodgers' fans, hating the Yankees is in my blood.

Probably because they swore up and down they would stay under the luxury tax cap of $189 million and didn't even come close, even losing ARod's $22 million.

Yankees make themselves easy to dislike.

I just think the Yankees are being stupid:

"Good God, that huge ARod contract was a huge mistake! Clearly it's a bad idea to sign players to long contracts for huge sums of money... Hey, here's a pitcher from Japan! Let's sign him to a long contract for huge sums of money! We'd be stupid 'not' to sign a Japanese pitcher to a huge, long-term contract; just look at the track record! [Dice-K, Kei Igawa, Kaz Ishii, Hideki Irabu, maybe Hideo Nomo]"

Seriously it's really over the top , because they went out and spent money on some of the major gaps in on the team they get ridiculed for making moves ?? Why ? It's crazy how many classless fans they are praying for the down fall of tanka because he is rocking pinstripes I guess hating the so called evil empire is something your supposed to do ? Oh well go yanks !

The Yankees are generally a really hated team because they're really prepared.

You wanna hear Yankee hate, the next time I see a person Wearing a Yankee hat Im going to skin them alive and eat their flesh then sell their children to sex slavery.

Because without the salary cap... those teams.. read Yankees... are able to spend significantly more then other teams.... seems a bit unfair.... here's an idea... We'll race cars..... you get to spend $200.. and I get to spend any amount I want.... you get a Yugo.... I get the new Z06 'Vette..... hmmm, wonder who wins.....

I just hate the arrogance of the Yankees. They have the most obnoxious fans in baseball. Their broadcasters are probably the most annoying. "THEEEEEEE YANKEEEEESSSS WINNNNNNNNN" I just wanna puke whenever I hear that garbage.

I guess people get tired of seeing Baseball dominated by men in pin stripe suits

Because they are abusing the cap system more than anyone.

It's nothing new. You either love them or you hate them. Apparenty, the ones who hate them are more vocal.

calm down. I don't use the H word. I *dislike* the Yankee$

I have a right to display my distaste for them, it was a right that is afforded me in the Constitution.

I do not know


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