Current: Daniel Bryan, Bray Wyatt, CM Punk(if it counts) & Seth Rollins
Past: The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Kane.
All Time: Rey Mysterio
Current: Daniel Bryan
Bret The Hitman Hart, Y2J Chris Jericho, Lance Storm, Edge, and Christian are my all time favorites.
My current favorites are: Cesaro, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Bray Wyatt are my current favorites!!!!!!!
Yoshiaki Fujiwara
My favorite Wrestler is the Undertaker.
Everything about him amazes me. They way he makes his entrances. They he plays mind games. The impact, as well as the amount of loyalty, he gave to the company as well as to the fans who watched him. This guy is simply a legend and the greatest of all-time (In My Opinion). No wonder they call him the phenom, like I said, the man is a legend.
Was CM Punk.
Currents: Randy Orton, Ryback, Dean Ambrose, and Cesaro.
All time: Punk
Currently: Rollins
Bret the hot man hart
mine is the rock