> Who is your favorite WWE wrestler?

Who is your favorite WWE wrestler?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
I like Bo Dallas. I like his character. He also makes a good heel who annoys the crap out of people. He's awsome in the ring too. I also got to see him live!!! Best day of my entire life....

Y2J Chris Jericho

Triple H

I used to love Batista before he started getting lame.And my favorite now is Brock Lesnar.

Big Show is my favorite active wrestler.

I really love Roman Reigns. Met him and he was such a cool guy! Can't believe the fans are turning on him :/

Saw Bo live too.. Actually bought his shirt at the event... Had it on and was screaming BOLIEVE at the top of my lungs.. Felt like I was the only person in the building cheering him on... I think he may have spotted me as well... Really Like Bo

Bray wyatt

i like dean ambrose because he is always exiting to watch and a little crazy at the same time but Shawn Micheal was also really exiting and fun to watch

The Viper, Randy Orton (announcer voice)

STING I can't get enough he is just SWEET