> Who is the biggest douchebag on this section?

Who is the biggest douchebag on this section?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 

The biggest douchebag in this section is the person who feels the need to ask the question 'who is the biggest douchebag in this section.

I may not agree with what someone says but i respect their right to say it.

as much as i dislike kw, his purpose is to piss people off and argue with people. i wont call him a douchbag, he can be annoying at times though

edit:> kw when you thumb me down i expect a lot more then one, lol. although i wasnt expecting a thumbs up from you thats an a twist

i actually dont even care about the thumbs down or up the whole thing is worthless anyway.

As for john i like a most of his comments, particually on the questions that are repeated so often

What does this have to do with martial arts?

Oh nothing.

I wonder if this question will get reported?

Haha, what's interesting is that all the anonyomous accounts are all probably the same guy. And Arron was quick to jump in on the question, I wouldn't be surprised if Carlos was next. Wisp is probably the only separate entity on here.

I'm not unjustifiably rude to anyone. If you come in here asking a thoughtful question, and not some stupid question, like when you're going to get your black belt, then I was probably polite to you. The reason you have a problem with me and John, is because you can't handle what we have to tell you. We initially probably didn't do it in a rude way as I said, If John did it, it was probably within good reason, because your question was probably stupid. But you were nevertheless offended by what we had to say. And my philosophy is, if you're offended, you probably deserved to be offended.

@Kokoro: That wasn't me that thumbed you down, I actually thumbed you up.

I don't recall. I lose track or simply purposely forget and ignore.

That's something I would have to think about.

There have been a few times when a user would ask a stupid question and look like a douche, or talk smack about someone in a question form, and I would get on to that person, but it turns out they were just ill informed and truly meant no harm and turn out to be nice people.

But I don't know. I don't keep track over such things.

Keyboard Warrior, by far. He thrives on judgmentally bringing down everyone who doesn't share his opinions. He is horribly inconsiderate and disrespectful. Just a real jerkoff, and a the worst kind of person. He's an idiot who is blind to his own arrogance despite overwhelming evidence to his slanderous remarks.

He has admittedly made many accounts in here just to troll. He thinks he's the owner if Y!A, and is the only person whose answer matters.

kw.He loves to bash other arts

I agree it would be Keyboard warrior by a land slide. Most of his comments are useless and rude. Just like he is and his training.

It would be kw, every time I ask a question he claims I'm a troll.

He has over 40 accounts plus all the accounts he had deleted and calls me a troll.

What kind of douche gets 30 accounts deleted.

Kw you dumb*** everyone can post as anonymous, Its one of the new features. Can't you read the simple English instructions, you dork.

I think it has to be "John". The few times I have asked a question he always gives me sarcastic answers with zero information to them. Dude, do you even do martial arts or are you just faking it?

Who do you think is the biggest douche in here? Some would Keyboard Warrior...for obvious reasons.

Define 'douche.'

If you're referring to a shower of water then that doesn't make sense.

However, if you mean an obnoxious or contemptible person, I'd like to nominate myself.

Note: I'm not John.