Pick your WWE Wrestler as your Seven Deadly Sin
Pride The Leader
Greed The Con Man
Sloth The Quiet One
Gluttony The Big Guy
Lust The Only Female
Envy The Insane One
Wrath The Angry One
Remember currently WWE wrestler and Heel Wrestler only! Because Babyface wrestler wouldn't fit in Seven Deadly Sin! Sorry John Cena but you have to pass on this dangerous villain group
Pride The Leader-HHH
Greed The Con Man-Seth Rollins
Sloth The Quiet One-Luke Harper
Gluttony The Big Guy-The Big Show
Lust The Only Female-Nikki Bella
Envy The Insane One-The Miz
Wrath The Angry One-Brock Lesnar
I decided to pick all heels for the "Seven Deadly Sins".
Pride- Bray Wyatt. Bray Wyatt has stated in his promos numerous times that pride is his favorite sin and he is not afraid to step up against guys like The Shield, John Cena, Dean Ambrose, Undertaker
Greed- Seth Rollins because he sold out his brothers (Ambrose and Reigns) for The Authoriity
Sloth- Mark Henry because he is slow (if Khali was still win WWE then him because he is slow and can hardly work)
Gluttony- Big Show for obvious reasons
Lust- Nikki Bella because her character is pretty lustful on WWE and Total Divas
Envy- Randy Orton (I know he just turned face right now but still) because he has been envious of Seth Rollins in a way. When The Authority added Rollins, Orton got jealous of how Tripel H and Stephanie gave Rollins attention and talked highly of him.
Wrath- Brock Lesnar because of his destruction and how nothing really seems to make him happy other then beating the crap out of people
Pride The Leader- Bo Dallas (thinks so highly of himself. makes total sense)
Greed The Con Man- The Miz (trying to screw over Mizdow with the commercial. obsessed with money/popularity)
Sloth The Quiet One- Luke Harper (can't even throw his shirt in the damn wash. the very definition of sloth)
Gluttony The Big Guy- Bull Dempsey (lay off the cheeseburgers, buddy. if NXT wrestlers aren't allowed then Big Show)
Lust The Only Female- Rosa Mendez (have you seen her on Total Divas? she's horny af)
Envy The Insane One- Adam Rose (he'll stop at nothing to outshine the Bunny haha)
Wrath The Angry One- Orton (this one is obvious. can you remember the last time orton was really happy on screen? even after winning matches or champs, he always seems pissed off)
all of them is Vince McMahon.