> Which fighting style best suits me?

Which fighting style best suits me?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Mma is not a martial art or style it is a sport training method. A style is taught the same no matter where you are mma does not fit that

styles are made to adapt to your body type

There is no best style.

They will all work as long as you train right and have a good instructor.

Your size, body type and sex have nothing to do with the style you want to choose. People that think that your size and body type determine the style know little to nothing about martial arts

Most people will tell you there style is the best or they heard such and such is a great style,

The style is not important, what matters is how good your instructor is and how you train. The style is secondary, they all have there pro's and con's there are no superior styles.

If you have an instructor that can’t teach you how to fight, regardless of the style, what good would it do you?

Choose a school with a good instructor in the end that’s all that matters, that and how you train.

Its the person that has the ability to fight not the style

All styles are meant to adapt to your body type and physique. Your height, weight, and any other physical attributes do not in a ny way determine what martial art you should take.

The style of martial arts that you take does not matter. All that matters is that you have a good instructor. There's no style that "suits you", just find a good instructor and that's all that matters.

In every style of martial arts you have to remember things. What else would you possibly do? You need to remember things so thatyou can practice them, and through repitition of the techniques you will be able to use them in a real situation if need be. So again, you have to remember things in any martial art, it's just part of practicing.

They have Google in Spring/Houston TX. Use it to find schools. Then go visit them and pick the one with a good instructor and that you enjoy and you'll be all set as long as you train right.

all martial arts are made for fighting so choose the style which suits you

Kokoro gave you some sound advice. I suggest you listen to him.

I agree with Keyboard Warrior.

And if you rule out MMA, you're also ruling out BJJ, grappling, wrestling, and Muay Thai.

Hope that helps.

Im 14, and I dont get into fights (Im the nerd lol). I want to learn for self defense, and to have fun. I used to take MMA, but I didn't like the styles they taught. I'm roughly 5'2, and weigh in about 86. I go to the gym, but I have little muscles. I am very weak. Im not that flexible or that fast, but I'd like to know a style thats instinctive and/or quick. I dont like the idea of having to remember techniques because theres a 1/100 chance the enemy would hit me like that. Btw I'm in Spring/Houston TX if that helps. Tell me what suits me and where I could learn that please! Thanks. Oh, I checked out Keysi. It's taught in Europe, so I can't do that.