> Which Martial would be best for me?

Which Martial would be best for me?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Most styles have striking and grappling, not all places teach them but it's there. You're also not going to learn anything flashy AND realistic, it's one or the other. Also, even though some styles teach multiple attackers, multiple unarmed attackers is a whole different story. You're not going to be able to defend against 5 guys with knives, they're not going to attack one at a time like in the movies. You can learn disarms, but they're all against 1 attacker. You're not Batman, no one could fight their way out of multiple armed attackers unless they had a gun. Find what's in your area, and find the best teacher. Most styles should have what you're looking for. Most if not all styles of Karate have strikes, locks, throws and takedowns, as does Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Hapkido, Silat, Judo, the list goes on.

look more into the teacher and where you are learning rather than the style.

Really any hybrid art will fit. But, if you want to fight, then nothing beats MMA.


I disagree with KW's claim that traditional arts are sub-par to MMA, but respect his view nonetheless. I have had two traditional teachers to date, and both had a great knowledge of the areas of combat. It just depends on your teacher. A good teacher (or teachers) is key. I have yet to be disappointed by Hapkido. Every system, teacher, substyle is different, and some you will find more comprehensive (why I switched sub-styles and teachers). The MMA world is currently more united than the Traditional world, but be sure to do your home work on the teacher/school/style regardless. Aliveness, Katas, ect. are all dependent on the above.

However, MMA tends to have more training time each week on its side.

An open mind goes a long way. Be sure to stay out of closed mindedness. A good TMA guy can beat a good MMA guy, and visa versa.

MMA is for you then. However you won't learn how to beat up 10 guys in a street fight and you won't learn how to stop bullets. But stick with it. They will beat some sense into you.

Krav Maga .. You won't regret it. It's used by the Israeli special forces!


I want to learn something, which will be helpful for me in real life scenario, and incorporates the following - self defense, real fighting methods, good striking, grappling, some good movements, precise, also has good take downs, submissions, locks, teaching to take down armed, multiple opponents, and flashy and areal movements are optional I can lean them too. But what I want is a well rounded martial art which will serve me in real life scenario, multiple armed opponents, and teach me to fight, and fight. I don't want to learn bullshit about bricks breaking or showy those dancing stuffs.