> Whi are more whiny. regins or bryan fans?

Whi are more whiny. regins or bryan fans?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
What were bryan fans doing after both RR2014 & RR2015. Talk about irony.

Mocking regins fans for crying yet created the whole #CancelWWENetwork trend because bryan didn't win and cried when Batista won Rumble 2014.

And before anyone makes a stupid assumption. I'M NOT A FAN OF REGINS

Definitely Bryan

It's actually looks like John Cena fans vs The Rock fans once again But, There's more fans are facing each other.

Back into the question: Yes, Daniel Bryan fans are more whiny because At the first time Daniel Bryan wasn't competing in Royal Rumble match. WWE had did regret for not putting in the match. They also wanted to be in WWE World heavyweight championship at WrestleMania 30. It's happen with Riot and Yes Movement. He gotten his moment at WrestleMania 30 to win the Championship at the Grandest stage of them at all.

This year The fans really believe that, Daniel Bryan should win the Royal Rumble match because He's never lost his WWE world heavyweight championship. He's forced to vacated it for having Neck and Shoulder Injuries. Daniel Bryan's going to be much better opponent with Brock Lesnar because They'll have awesome match. I do agreed with them and I also wanted him to win it because I'm not even sold on Roman Reigns. WWE just likes his look. That's the real reason why Roman Reigns was main evented at WrestleMania. He's not prove to me that, He's ready to be main event anyway.

The Fans also got another good moment at WrestleMania 31 with Daniel Bryan for winning IC Title and unbelievable Ladder match. It's official that, Daniel Bryan's The Grand Slam champion just like Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Kurt Angle and more.

I don't even see many Reigns fans. Either way I'm going to go with the full-grown, scratch that...over -the age of 18 males that threw a hissy fit for three months until Daniel Bryan won as about 1000000000000x more whiny and ******.

Bryan fans are ****** annoying when they talk about Bryan thinking hes the best ****** in the WWE, if he is then why didnt he go against Lesnar? Oh yeah, its because Reigns is better than Bryan!

Daniel Bryan fans are the worst all they do I'd ***** they just can't understand Bryan stands no chance agasint lesnar
