> Where are the bodys main pressure points?

Where are the bodys main pressure points?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
and i suppose you believe if you hit the right combo your opponent will collapse.

knowing the press point locations without knowing the angle to strike or use them is meaningless

There is an entire book, "Vital Strike Points", on the target areas of the body and the techniques that are most effectively applied to those areas. Once you have read and memorized that information, and then have trained for 20 years on just those principals, you may have sufficient ability to focus on their use in combat. I have been training for over 40 years and have an effective ability at their use but still lack the training to use more than 95% of the points that are there. Vital striking is a system all to itself, and it requires greater dedication and determination than any other system. And even with that commitment, the availability of qualified instruction is minimal at best. My instruction was gained over a period of 5 years working with a personal instructor who later returned to Japan.

I do have to say though, pressure point control is much more effective when you strike the pressure point rather than just pushing on it. It is worth learning.

There are many pressure points.


^^ None of the belts are suppose to look like this, so go and get your backside training to find out the answer, but there are hundreds of pressure points but no one experienced will tell a random stranger where to find them.

hokoto no ken aka the fist of the north star?

the main pressure points are everywhere.

Here you go and this is just for starters. Have fun:
