cracked ribs, ruptured disks, collapsed lung, kidney and liver damage are a few of the possible injuries, head butt the bridge of the nose, if your hands are not trapped palm swats to the ears work good but as a last ditch effort, bite the nose, just grab it with your teeth and chomp down like its a gummy bear and hold on the ride will be crazy
with no formal training probably a goner
why do u think people train ??
literally squeeze the breath out of u
all bouncers know this manoever
very effective and dangerous
The same thing that would happen if a strong person bearhugged you.
No, he will never be able to "crush you" as if he had 500lb pistons in his arms, but it will hurt.
Squeeze his nuts...hard.
Like if he squeeze me were my back is making loud noises and i cant breath jw