> What were your thoughts on the ending to Raw?

What were your thoughts on the ending to Raw?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Nothing like a good ol' tug of war to hype the Wrestlemania main event huh?

A bit of a let down. I liked how Lesnar raised the title and Reigns took it from him. That was good and almost like a "Oh. Sh*t is about to go down now." The two played a little tug-of-war over the title which was a tiny bit comical but still serious. Then the screen went black. I honestly paused Raw to see how much time is left because I felt like WWE decided to go to commercial at worst possible moment. I don't know if WWE ran out of time or if they were going to show the rest on the Network or what. I was so let down.

WWE would have been better off if they just let the two guys go at it and security come out trying to separate them. Then Reigns hits Lesnar with the Spear but Lesnar gets right back up and gives Reigns a German Suplex showing his strength and almost oblivious to pain. Then the two continue to just punch and beat each other up with the crowd cheering, security trying to separate them, Heyman freaking out in the background, Cole, JBL, and Booker T hyping up the situation. But none of that happened.

Heyman's great, but he's basically repeated the same thing every week for two months now. Heyman: Lesnar will beat you down "throws in unique witty metaphor here" Reigns comes out when he says he can't. Even for him it's gotten a little bit old, and considering they were seemingly short on time, his mic time could've been utilized for the absolute brawl that needed to happen after Reigns took his belt. How can you be excited about a match that promotes intensity (when heyman says taking that belt is like taking food off your children's plate) and when reigns takes it you just stare at him instead of beating the mess out of him. What WWE doesn't understand even for people that may not look at it in-depth as that as clearly their crappy creative team doesn't, subconciously it creates a lack of suspense in people's mind about this whole match. It was probably an idea by Vince that he thought would be unique and work, but in reality it was horrible and failed miserably. Anytime I have to rewind and check for the WWE copyright logo to see if it was ended or just cut off proves that.

One word - weak.

Best thing about it was Heyman proved (again) he is pure gold on the mic. If Reigns gets over it will as much due to Paul as anything..

Well to be honest Paul Heyman was so boring I fell asleep while he was talking and missed the actual end.

WWE was hyping the main event for Wrestlemania 31. Nothing more, nothing less.

They tried avoiding making either star look weak and they made both look silly.

One of the worst.


don`t know because haven`t watched it yet.