> What to say to a bully?

What to say to a bully?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
First of all she is probably the worst player on the team. Everybody laughed at your joke because it was funny and that jerk Sophie had to ruin it. Don't engage her and if she says something to you just walk away and then she will feel like a jerk. If she starts acting nice to you and wants to be your "friend" don't be mean just not be her friend. She is a horrible person. I hate her >:(

First of all you need to work on your grammar. Then tell this sophie she should take the next bus to hell and if she can't afford a ticket you will give her a ride on your fist free of charge.

Continue to help herself look like an idiot, bullies can't take being ridiculed. Coach's kids are USUALLY pains, BTW. Good luck.

Tell her it is 2014, and everyone hates bullies which believe it or not was NOT the case ten years ago. But because of all of the TV shows about bullies, everyone hates bullies today. Call or talk about her as being a bully, and human nature being what it is, she will suck up to you and go out of her way not to bully anyone anymore. Such is the influence of the Gov't on TV.

There is this girl on my softball team names Sophie she is the coaches daughter. Today at the end of the last game everyone wanted to take a picture and I was already half way to my moms trucks and the called me over do I put my bag down and went over there. There was no room because everyone was in a straight line and if I got in I wouldn't even been in the picture. So I did an imaginary wall sit and every body laughed except Sophie , Sophie was like seriously Sunny? And yelled at me so I went to the side and I really wanted to say ok Sophie if you don't want me hear I will go but every on was right there so I didn't. She has always been a bully to me. Please tell me what to say to her thx!