> What should I take for self defense?

What should I take for self defense?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
I'm very skinny short and little and it's so easy for anyone to beat me. I want to learn self defence. What class should I take? Karate, tyk won do, or something?

When you decide to begin training in martial art you have some questions you have to answer for yourself. Are you looking for a sport to play, an art to dedicate a lifetime to, or a quick fix method of self defence? Some combination of that perhaps? Most of us are, or were all three at times. Where do your priorities lie? You must first decide martial art , or fighting sport. The two are worlds apart, although they overlap in several areas, their mindset, and intent are opposite. You have to know also what is available to you. If you have Uechi-Ryu, and Bak Mei in your area, wanting to do TKD would not help you. Of the available options you must decide which one(s) interest you. Then you have to decide (take your time, it's important) which available instruction is the one for you. You can change or quit if you don't like it, but better to stay with the program right through (providing the program is a good one) for the best training. Style-hopping has in my experience cost many a martial artist their potential, so choose wisely, nobody here can tell you what to do for you. So do your homework well. Talk to instructors and students, watch classes, take 'free introductory' classes, make your decision. One more thing, good luck

Your physique does not determine what martial art you should take because all martial arts are designed to adapt to your body type.

You should look into the different schools in your area and pick the one that you like best and has the best instructor. Having a good instructor is key, the style doesn't matter as much. So look into the schools in your area and pick the one with the best instructor and that you enjoy.

You shouldn't let anyone recommend an art for you; it's your job to find a good school and instructor.

Also, just a little note, it's spelled Taekwondo.

Now go forth, and choose a good school.

styles are made to adapt to your body type

There is no best style.

They will all work as long as you train right and have a good instructor.

Your size, body type and sex have nothing to do with the style you want to choose. People that think that your size and body type determine the style know little to nothing about martial arts

Most people will tell you there style is the best or they heard such and such is a great style,

The style is not important, what matters is how good your instructor is and how you train. The style is secondary, they all have there pro's and con's there are no superior styles.

If you have an instructor that can’t teach you how to fight, regardless of the style, what good would it do you?

Choose a school with a good instructor in the end that’s all that matters, that and how you train.

Its the person that has the ability to fight not the style

I agree with Artist. The school and instructor is more important than the style. But the style should also "fit" you.

Check out the local schools and see who teaches at rec centers, gyms, etc. Then find the classes you like the best. See if they'll let you try out a few classes before you commit. Also avoid long term contracts as they are a huge warning sign of a McDojo. And if you hear the term "Black belt club" or other similar thing RUN FAST from it.

well it depends on what you like, the base of martial arts in my opinion is wrestling you will learn how to take some one down have top control know how to get back up or back on top but most martial arts are good if you just want defense I would say Jeet Kune Do or karate, you should do some research on it to see what one you like. now if I was to judge on your physique...if ur skinny you probably have some pretty sharp bones( knees elbows knuckles) and I would recommend muay thia you will learn a variation of traditional boxing, kickboxing, and then they add knees elbows and other combos. the sharp knees and elbows are vary painful and can cut like a knife. but before you join the cheapest gym you can find I recommend doing some deep research on each of these martial arts so you know what your getting into. hope this helps! oh yeah, you have got to be dedicated to it, if your not your can learn sloppy habits that will only hurt you so push yourself to the limit.


I wanted to learn some self defence techniques to protect me and my family. I followed the course of this site http://www.downloadita.it/r/rd.asp?gid=4... It helped: I feel much safer now.

Hope it helps.

I have always liked Judo. It's very effective because involves using a person's own force against them. So, violence is less than it is with some of the other arts, but the a person can still defend themselves very effectively. Even a small person.

oh my god I hate when a bunch of retarded nerds who watch too much ufc answer questions like this. Bro if you do self defence just ******* take muay thai its the best, that's it. But if you wanna really get into it, take jiu jitsu cuz its the best for ground fighting and wrestling, but muay thai is more general for street fighting cuz its stand up fighting.

Honestly it sounds like you might lack abit of self confidence any System with a good teacher should be what you need.

Krav Maga. It teaches you self-defense AND how to disarm your attacker if he/she is carrying a weapon such as a knife or a gun.

I'm very skinny short and little and it's so easy for anyone to beat me. I want to learn self defence. What class should I take? Karate, tyk won do, or something?
