> What self defence would suit me?

What self defence would suit me?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
styles are made to adapt to your body type

There is no best style.

They will all work as long as you train right and have a good instructor.

Your size, body type and sex have nothing to do with the style you want to choose. People that think that your size and body type determine the style know little to nothing about martial arts

Most people will tell you there style is the best or they heard such and such is a great style,

The style is not important, what matters is how good your instructor is and how you train. The style is secondary, they all have there pro's and con's there are no superior styles.

If you have an instructor that can’t teach you how to fight, regardless of the style, what good would it do you?

Choose a school with a good instructor in the end that’s all that matters, that and how you train.

Its the person that has the ability to fight not the style

No suggestions. All martial arts are designed to adapt to your physique and body type. Your height, weight, age, past, social standing, confidence level, grades, and anything else do not in any way determine what martial art you should take.

All martial arts are effective, good, and work. All that matters is that you have a good instructor. Look into the schools in your area and pick the one with the best instructor and that you enjoy and you'll be all set as long as you train right.

A few other things:

-There are no such things as martial arts that focus on "using your opponent's weakness against him." Self defense is under the premise that you don't know who your opponent is or what his weaknesses are. All you know is what you see.

-If a lot of people know that you train in martial arts and fear you for it, you're doing it wrong. The less people that know, the better. It's not meant to be showed off, it's a life saving skill only to be used as a last resort.

Society only cares about "stop bullying", but instead what they should do is teach kids to stand up for themselves. Oh well.

I would say boxing is good, or anything else really. As long as it is a good school.

I am actually sorry to hear that you lack social skills. I never had such problems before. When you meet someone you give them a handshake, saying your name and ask theirs. You might think that's a crappy old tip, but it's really effective. Talk to people as though as you've known them for quite a while and that you were friends for a long time, and I sometimes add in jokes depends on the type of person, usually it's dirty jokes because that's what children laughs at these days. Some cases people might walk away, don't let that put you down, think of it as experience and they're not the type of people that will be your friend anyways.

Good luck in life.

Idk about you but I stared judo in year 8 and it got me through so much highschool bs take up wrestling judo or bjj. Then when someone wants to show how good they are by pushing or grabbing you can show them how good you are but not hurt them badly your not after self defense you just want something that will make you a pain in the *** to bully. If you stand up for yourself it will allways go to a shoving match if it is something more and is avoidable go tell a teacher.

You should train Brazilian ju jitsu for if u are tackled or in any way taken to the ground...but even more important u shld train in boxing...muay Thai would be better but if u want something "quick and easy" boxing is the best but be prepared for tough workouts :)

What you want to train is really irrelevant and it's not worth recommending any arts for you. The only thing that matters is what is available in your area and what is off good quality.

First, do NOT let it get to you.

Second, tell a adult or anyone that can change it!

Third, take a class or two.

high school wrestling

-it's free

-you make friends who will back you up

I'm 15 years old. Male. I weigh 52 kg and I am a littlebit under 170 cm long. I'm in average shape and I am quite strong. I go in the ninth grade and I have been bullied since the fifth grade. This has destroyed my life in many ways. I have become unsocial and shy. My grades have started to drop and I have gained a lot of weight.

I haven't been bullied for a while now. I have gotten better self confidence and I'm not that shy and unsocial anymore. But it's still hard for me to socialize. My grades have gotten a little bit better. And I'm not overweight anymore. In fact, I am a little bit underweight.

I want to learn self defence so that next time some douchebag wants to destroy my life I can stand up for myself and maybe scare him away. I don't want to become that kind of guy that starts a fight, I'd rather be the person who walks away when someone challenges me. I just want to be prepared if I ever have to fight. The type of self defence I want to learn is one were you focus on adapting to the situation and learn the opponents weaknesses and use them against him.

It would help me a lot if you could suggest some kind of self defence for me. It would also be great if you could give me more than just one suggestion. Thank You.