> What`s your opinion on Neville and the lucha dragons?

What`s your opinion on Neville and the lucha dragons?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
I think they`re both great,i`ll have to start watching nxt,if they produce top talent like this.

They are a breath of fresh air. They are gonna go far in WWE.

It's nice to see another legitimate tag-team next to the Usos in the WWE, especially one they didnt botch so far ala The Ascension. Neville is a much needed high flyer in WWE right now but they need to repackage him more into an actual character. Right now he is pretty bland outside the ring and them taking Adrian off to Neville makes his name even worse.

You can't make a decision on their first night on raw

He just does a bunch of flips and kicks.