> What's good to supplement BJJ?

What's good to supplement BJJ?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
I'm doing weights, heavy lifting, is that better for me or should I switch over to Yoga? Can't do all, no time!!!

Don't do heavy lifting. It'll slow down your body and tighten up your muscles and joints. You want to be as slim and flexible as possible. You can weight lift, but use less weight and more reps.



Simple full body stretching


They both have their benefits for a BJJ practitioner , however for entirely different purposes if you want to develop explosiveness and strength do heavy lifting if you want to be flexible and remain calm in tough positions which you will encounterin BJJ do Yoga, there is always a way to make time if you really want to during the week I'd suggest if you really have a tough time of it periodising your training with a few weeks heavy lifting and a few weeks of Cardio and Yoga, or failing being able to take a Yoga class use certain exercises from a typical BJJ warm Up to help you with your flexibility and movement on the ground that's what I do and it has helped me immensly but that's justme if you have any opening even once a week do Yoga once a week is better than nothing I know most people that lift prefer to have between 3-6 days depending on their routines also factor in how many times a week you do BJJ, ultimately what has to remain intact regardless of how you're looking to develop your body you have make sure your technique takes priority over your athletic abilities , I know BJJ players who are strong and explosive and I know BJJ players who are flexible and agile but , if they don't have the technique then neither of those things matter

The question is, do you want to be a body builder or a BJJ practitioner. If you want to be good at BJJ, lose the weights (Or substitute the huge weights for lighter weights with more reps). Yoga would be HUGELY helpful for your flexibility. Some uneducated idiots say yoga is gay, but those are the same kind of people who are unsure of themselves. Have you ever wondered why theres always somebody smaller than you at BJJ but they can still manipulate your body with ease? Its because they focus on technique. Big muscles will only get you so far, you may be able to out muscle the white belts, but it catches up. My best advice, focus on cardio and flexibility for BJJ. If you add in lighter weights with high reps, that can be helpful also, and I do that. Having lean, tight muscles is better as they're more explosive. Oh do plenty of body weight exercises too ie; chin ups and pull ups, push ups, crunches, etc.

nameste ya i do yoga and kettle bells i find its better for bjj and all ma because its full body work out then a isolation technique and i mostly do yoga at my house but maaaaan the girls are sexy if you go to class. whoever called me a puzzzay id like to come to pittsburgh and call me dat see how it works out for em

hickson gracie is a hardcore yogi

Cardio. Light explosive lifts/ light lifts with a lot of reps. And lots of stretching.

Yogas for pussy stick with the weights and cardio

I'm doing weights, heavy lifting, is that better for me or should I switch over to Yoga? Can't do all, no time!!!