> What martial arts should i do?

What martial arts should i do?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Jackie Chan is a trained acrobat which is part of the training all students at the China Drama Academy received, so he is in a sense a gymnast.

Movies are not real. They do not depict real life accurately. Just because you see it in a video, movie, or read about it does not make it true. What is flashy and looks cool in the movies are not useful in a real fight. Real fighting techniques are in fact very un-flashy, simple, and direct.

What you want is gymnastics or acrobatics and neither one teaches you effective fighting techniques. You need to decide what you really want.

Jackie Chan is a stuntman and comedian. Also, tigers don't punch or kick, they paw swipe and bite.

You do the one that is close to home. If you have to drive an hour to get there, you won't.

Tae Kwon Do is athletic. Give that a try. Lots of XMA is borrowed from Tae Kwon Do.

the chances are, it costs more in the long run to learn martial arts than it will cost you getting mugged overall, assuming you're in a bad area, and if you're not in a bad area, why would you need martial arts?

Do you want to do real martial arts, Or stunts? Real martial arts has no hand springs or back flips. If that is the kind of stuff you are looking for you are looking for XMA, not real martial arts.


ok so i've spent like a week researching and watching youtube videos but i still can't decide what to do.

I wanna do something with backflips and handsprings (yes i know that's gymnastics, but how come jackie chan does them in his movies? lol). i was thinking extreme martial arts but there's none near my house. I also like punching and kicking real hard like a fierce tiger..anything bad ass will do.
