> What martial arts should I avoid?

What martial arts should I avoid?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
I agree with you. I think any art can be good given the right training and the right instructor. There are good schools and good instructors in all arts out there. However there are fewer in some arts. Some arts have become the very representation of black belt factories.

Taekvando - All branches, especially ATA. Again I think the original TKD can be good but that is long gone. Any traces of that has disappeared. I think most modern TKD dojos are glorified day care centers that train Little Dragons.

Karate - Karate is broken down into kata and kumite. Kumite is basically playing tag. The first one who taps the other wins the round. And of course kata. Kata is a pattern of moves that give you the illusion of multiple opponents attacking. Opponents who apparently attack you one at a time and move slower than frozen syrup.

Ninjutsu - Ninjutsu lives on the legend of the ninja. The ancient and legendary assassins. But when was the last time you met or heard of a ninja? They don't exist anymore. Ninjutsu has not evolved, it doesn't really teach anything of relevance and should be avoided. There is one guy in here who I think goes to a good ninjutsu school - AKBAN. But other than him I don't know of anyone.

Krav maga - I think any Israeli soldier would cringe if he saw the discount lessons offered at the local mixed martial arts club.

There are many mores to be avoided, generally of course. But if you have a good instructor then really it doesn't matter. The problem is how do you know that he's good? When you're new everything seems cool. Even the Little Dragons program.

So always choose wisely.

You just answered your own question

There is no best. They all have there pros and cons

As long as you a good instructor and train right any martial art will work.

People that make claims that a styles doesn't work or is fake have no understanding of martial arts.

If you can't get a style to work that is your fault not the styles all styles have been proven to work in real situations

I agree with those that said you contradicted yourself and you may not be purposely doing it, but it looks like your trying to create arguments and trouble.

Martial arts are all good as long as the instructor and practitioner are good. Your first three sentences answered the question.

Only an ignorant and narrow minded person would give you a list like that.

I can give you a list of better/worse schools, instructors, or practitioners, but never a list of better/worse styles.

You contradicted yourself. Or perhaps you are trying to incite people to argue that some styles should be avoided?

I seem to always be defending Taekwondo, even though I don't study it. But lets face it Taekwondo has the largest number of McDojang percentage wise. but still i know some awesome TKD students and instructors. so is it fair to just tell people to avoid Taekwondo all together? I don't think it is fair or justified. It cheapens all those that are staying true to teaching it as it was intended.

Bottom line here is the same thing can be said about any style. do your stop buying a brand of car because some dealer has a bad reputation? No you go find a reputable dealer. Same with the martial arts.

I find people that style bash to be narrow minded, prejudice, or just ignorant. Not one person has ever proved that any style is not a good one. All we have is a few boneheads that posts some slanted argument or a few video links to those things that tend to agree with what they are trying to sell. I sure hope that people don't make their life choices so quickly. The ones that put down other arts are those that have either no experience with them, have very little, or have a bug up their rear because they had a bad experience.


McDojos, not a Martial Art, but a thing that's ruining one.

None are to be avoided, its the bad clubs that are to be avoided. Research a few different styles, make a choice and attend a few different clubs to see which you like the best (hint: the one you like the best will likely be the best club)

Here's a simple ideal, visit all the schools in your area but never join any of them until you're positive that you've seen all of them.

Hi there

**** teachers and **** schools thats all you need to avoid.

style doesnt matter.

Best wishes


Arts that refuse to adapt and are stuck in traditional ways

Don't necessarily worry about that. Worry about mc dojos.

People often say that there is no best martial arts. I can buy that. I think with the right training, the right instructor all martial arts can be good. But still there has to be martial arts in general that should be avoided? Which ones?

you should be more focused on what to do which is mma