> What makes someone a smart mark?

What makes someone a smart mark?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
What's the difference between smart mark, smark, mark, IWC, etc?

A Smark (or Smart Mark) is a fan who acts that since they have been watching long enough, they have an in-and-out run of the business, therefore they are qualified enough to criticize and analyze what, when, and where something should happen with someone as if they were a talent scout. Smarks are looked down upon in the wrestling community, even by the wrestlers.

A mark is someone who doesn't care about any of that stuff. To them, wrestling is real. These are the guys that make wrestling enjoyable, because their excitement in the arenas makes the shows more sensational and the moments more awesome.

IWC is the internet wrestling community. By a very large number of people, it is used synonymously with the term, smark.

Basically, without getting to deep into it;

A "mark" is someone who either believes pro wrestling is real, or enjoys the show not caring about the internal workings of pro wrestling.

A "smart" is someone who knows the internal workings of the show. Not guesses, but someone who has actual inside information, such as a relative of someone involved with the show who receives such news.

A "smart mark" (or smark), is a fan who has no real connection with the backstage, but actively studies and learns about the internal workings of pro wrestling. Debatable, but smarks are also described as instead of waiting for the next show to find out what happens, will look up news on the internet for the backstage happenings to find out more.

The IWC is, I'm guessing, just a catch-all phrase used to describe a certain type of smark who more or less only complains on the internet.

I think all of these are dumb terms, and grossly biased -- used to dismiss any real opinions of fans (save for those who are just trolling). All the terms are really derogatory and demeaning for everyone, and should be done away with.

A mark should just be called a fan. A smart should just be considered as those in the industry. A smart mark should be seen as an insightful fan. The IWC should just be called what they truly are: trolls.

Hopefully this site may help you with the history of the terms:


the actions of "dave" makes him look like a 12 year old child obsessed with social media.......there that is the NEW definition of IWC.

I shall in this very section coin the new buzzword: FULL RETARD MARK and it is based on the actions and behaviors of one "dave". all said person does is make flame bait arguments. trolls all day. and when confronted with truth will use insults as a response. no actual discussion can come of this. these are the actions of a text book attention whore.

There's no such thing as a "smart mark" or "smark".

They're both incredibly stupid terms used to deflect criticism and dismiss other people's opinions. Much like the word "hater".

"You're just a smark, you don't know what you're talking about".

If you think it matters at all what level of fan you are, then yes you are atleast one of these.