> What is the best traditional martial art and why?

What is the best traditional martial art and why?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
The teacher makes the difference.

Any one who says one is no good and another great is very much misinformed.

If one was the best, we all would gravitate to it. there is no such thing as "best martial art", just how well it is taught, and how well you pick it up.

The best you can do is to have a good combination of teacher/student. Both need to be good to have good results.

There is no "best" style. There are different styles that teach different things. Aikido teaches how to fend off an attacker without causing him much harm. Traditional kung fu teaches a variety of offense and defensive techniques using internal and external power. Muay Thai has powerful kicks and boxing style punches. Take your pick for whatever suits you.

There is no best style.

They will all work as long as you train right and have a good instructor.

styles are made to adapt to your body type

Your size, body type and sex have nothing to do with the style you want to choose. People that think that your size and body type determine the style know little to nothing about martial arts

Most people will tell you there style is the best or they heard such and such is a great style,

The style is not important, what matters is how good your instructor is and how you train. The style is secondary, they all have there pro's and con's there are no superior styles.

If you have an instructor that can’t teach you how to fight, regardless of the style, what good would it do you?

Choose a school with a good instructor in the end that’s all that matters, that and how you train.

Its the person that has the ability to fight not the style

any style can be any other style its the person not the style, even kw muay thai

and kw if you want to debate the history like your doing karate still goes back over 3000 years

having a "good" teacher is very subjective

ones definition of good is someone elses bad

just like a teacher in school ,he can be very knowledgable but

cannot "teach"per say ,but to find one like everything else

u must rely on word of mouth from a friend and rely on his expertise

otherwise finding one on your own is a crap shoot

having said that I would go with jeet kun do

as it involves stand up ,clinch and ground

If you were to vote, it'd be the one with most practitioners.

- There is no best, only people that think their art is the best

define traditional? but ya muay thai

The one trained best and with the best teacher


...then learn Karate and Aikido.

That's the best!!!

It all depends on which one u like. Or for what purpose you decide to learn one. Like for example people do kick boxing for weight loss and some do jujitsu for self defense

There's none. Because there just isn't.