> What is a "closet" Yankees fan?

What is a "closet" Yankees fan?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
I have seen that term being thrown around lately. What does it mean?

You are.

There is a certain Red Sox fan that comes on here and only asks questions about the Yankees, usually negative. That's a closet Yankees fan right there.

Now I've been accused of being one but I have no idea how I'm even viewed as one.

@Robin: Exactly what does being a closet Yankees fan have to do with being a White Sox fan? If you're referring to me than explain how I'm a closet Yankees fan. I'm rather tired of seeing this title being thrown around, I simply come here to answer questions, I don't really have any questions to ask so I don't ask any.

a guys who's externally not a yankees fan, but secretly is.

in this case, "coming out of the closet" would mean that the allegedly red sox or white sox fan (the two protagonists when it comes to using the term closet yankees fan) should just admit that he loves the yanks.

Someone who supports The New York Yankees, but doesn't openly wear their gear and doesn't let people around them know thathe or she is a New York Yankees Fan/

"Joan" asked an identical question last night, unless you and "Joan" are the same person which would not surprise me too much: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;...

I have seen that term being thrown around lately. What does it mean?