> What if you crippled your training partner?

What if you crippled your training partner?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
If you don't want to kill people, don't hit them with the planet in the neck and other leveraged areas. Same thing with guns and cars. If people don't know how to kill a person with a car or gun, then they aren't really competent users.

So they should improve their education and actually learn things, not just do as they are told to by their senior Authorities.

Thats a jape because your instruction from the master of martial arts said eat sedate and dirt and i will make you awesome in karate.

My BS detector is going off.


some throwing martial arts are dangerous

how would u feel if you crippled or killed your sparring partner u had known for 10yrs

would u quit your art? and burn your gi and your belts and awards and drink yourself stupid

because right now i have a pain in me that is not going away

please help