> What does this baseball term mean?

What does this baseball term mean?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Stealing second means that a runner advances from first to second base by his own means, i.e. not because of a hit, walk, error, wild pitch, passed ball, or sacrifice.

Stealing means a runner usually begins to advance to the next base as the pitcher begins his windup and, if he makes it safely without being thrown out by the catcher, he is said to have "stolen" that base.

Roubo de segundo significa que um corredor avan?a de primeiro à segunda base pelos seus próprios meios, isto é n?o devido a um golpe, o passeio, o arremesso incorreto, selvagem, passou a bola, ou o sacrifício.

Roubando meios que um corredor normalmente come?a a promover à seguinte base como o jarro come?a o seu fim e, se ele o fizer seguramente sem ser rejeitado pelo apanhador, diz-se que ele tenha 'roubado' aquela base.

If a runner is on first base and runs to second base when the pitcher throws the ball to the batter, the batter does not hit the ball, if he (the runner) can get to second base before the catcher can throw the ball to second base and tag him out, then the runner has "stolen second base".

The runner "steals second" even if the catcher sees it is too late to throw the ball to second base and therefore doesn't even throw it.

When the pitcher lift's his leg, the runner who is one first base can than run to second base, and if he makes it without getting tagged out, than he stole second.

If your name is Ricky Henderson, it means pulling the base out of the ground and taking it home with you as a trophy.

if you're already on a base, when you advance another base without someone helping you, that's stealing a base.

I don't know a thing about baseball since I'm Portuguese, but I really need to know what "stealing second". If you could explain it to me like I'm incredibly dumb it would be very helpful... I need to translate it but I have no idea how.