> What do you think of these martial arts styles?

What do you think of these martial arts styles?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 

Wing Chun

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu



Muay Thai

Jeet Kune Do

Krav Maga

Kenpo Karate



Styles are not schools, instructors or students. Styles do not determine if a school teaches its students good martial arts/self-defense. Instructors, schools, and organizations are what determines that. So there are no bad styles only styles that are sometimes not taught as they were supposed to be. Talking about styles as if they are good or bad is like saying that this brand of cars is always bad and others are always good. Common sense alone should tell anyone that each school should be examined for its good and bad points.

**** To think that those bashing styles have gone to every school in that style and seen first hand that it is bad, is just ludicrous. When the guys bashing show proof that they have visited every school teaching that style they are bashing, I might begin to take them seriously. But even then, who says that their opinion is a reasonable one?


Taekwondo - Crap unless it is ITF, then it's pretty good. Run for your life if you find an ATA school

Wing Chun - Eh... kinda iffy. I wouldn't join any Wing Chun school in the US

BJJ - Really good, just combine it with a good stand up martial art.

Hapkido - Again, I wouldn't go for it in the US. Otherwise it's okay.

Kickboxing - It's good. Just get away from anything that uses the word "cardio"

Muay Thai - It's really good. Good stand up and clinch. I would recommend this before say, BJJ, simply because, as I said earlier, while 90% fights end up on the ground, 100 start standing up.

Jeet kune do - Look up the instructor. And make sure you can link the instructor back to Bruce Lee.

Krav Maga - Only good if it's Combat KM.

Kenpo - It's pretty good

Capoeira - Nowadays it's more of a dance. It would be incredibly hard to find a good Capoeira achool.

Judo - It's a great martial art. Take up a stand up martial art too.

It just depends on the instructer. I prefer capoeira, Muay Thai and bjj but those are opinions and not facts. No style is better than another

In real life there are three of them, that i have never seen executed in person, they are JKD,Krav and Capoeira, i have only ever seen them on the net or the idiot box(TV), but the rest that i have experienced whether through participation or spectator(mostly) ,have either been entertaining or informative, but yeah il have to agree with the old fella, Pugs, proof of the pudding is in the baking! when it comes down to it.

I think that every style is great as long as the instructor and practitioner are. Styles are only abstract concepts, they mean very little until they are defined by people.

*This answer is correct. Ignore any style bashers or style worshippers.


Wing Chun

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu



Muay Thai

Jeet Kune Do

Krav Maga

Kenpo Karate

