you should have been practicing the names and take notes, i suggest you get a note book. i even still use a note book. it will help a great deal.
age uke - raising or upper
soto ude uke - outside
uchi ude uke - inside
shoto uke - knife hand
gendan bari - downward sweep
as for how they are performed they vary slightly from style to style.
ichi - one
ni - two
san - three
shi - four
go - five
roku - six
shichi - seven
hachi - eight
ku - nine
ju - ten
edit: i also agree with pugpaws you should be more prepared instead of cramming the last second.
sorry Dave your tight i mistyped a few things, i just fixed them.
I agree with Pugpaws.
If you have to ask this question here, you need to find a school where you are just a monthly tuition fee or contract.
You're so not ready for promotion.
I'm sorry to say but it sounds like you are not even close to being ready for your rank test. That makes me wonder if the problem is that you have been slacking off, or does the instructor not teach what he should teach. In either case I don't think you are ready to test. Martial arts is not and never was about getting to the next belt rank. You would be better off staying at your current rank and testing later than testing for something you know in your heart you are not ready for. Besides testing and being promoted does not make you any better than you are.
And, Kokoro is correct that Uke means receive not block. At advanced levels the blocking movements are not used as blocks. But at your level students are always told that the moves are taught to use them as blocks. That is because if you don't block you are going to get hit. Later as your skills improve you will or should be taught what the moves are really for.
Im only guessing your meaning....
1,Age Uke (agiuki) Rising Block
2,Soto Ude Uke Outside Forearm Block
3,Gedan Barrai Lower Parry ,although im not to sure if this is the one you mean.
You refer to clock are you studying Kenpo? if so il keep it simple because at your level you should be working on body shifting via stance,think of your dojo's floor as the face of an analog clock face,
Front(12 oclock)
Left wall (9 oclock). you center(Facing 12) Right wall (3 oclock)
Rear(6 oclock).
Your instructor might call out commands like fighting horse facing 12 oclock turn in backstance facing 6oclock back to horse facing 3 oclock, etc get the picture?
counting to 10
Tahi ,Rua, Toru Wha Rema Uno Whetu Wharu Iwa Teko NOOO dont im only joking thats in Maori ,lol
its a pretty simple google search
but here it is.
ichi 1
ni 2
san 3
shi 4
go 5
roku 6
shichi 7
hachi 8
ku 9
ju 10
Good luck with the grading, next time pay more attention in class, carry a notepad to take notes after classes.
I have my first karate grading tonight for my orange belt, but I can't remember the names of the blocks! I've to do my clock (Just can't remember how) and I have to know how to do 3 simple blocks... I can remember agiuki (I think thats how to spell it) and thats where you point and then do and inside block, I think, but I also have to do theone where you start at your shoulder and sort of pull down, and also the head block where you start at the shoulder ofa bent arm and pul up to a sideways head block. PLEASE TELL ME THENAMES OF THEM! Also it would be really helpful if you could tellme how to count to 10! Thank you!