> What Martial art is best for fight big Bullies?

What Martial art is best for fight big Bullies?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
What martial art is best for protecting my self or fight 3 or 5 big bullies?

Im just want to prepare my self in case some bully wants to hit me

Martial arts are not some sort of magic!

If you want to "prepare yourself" it will take SEVERAL YEARS to do so!

Some martial arts require DECADES!

Once you have learned enough, you will have enough sense to walk away from situations, especially where more than one opponent is involved.

Martial arts are all about teaching you how to AVOID fighting!

Baguazhang/Eight-trigram Boxing.

It's good for attacking multiple opponents. As long as you get the trapping/parrying method and the footwork down-not the circle walking you'll be efficient enough. Baguazhang's main weapon is using the palms but you can use fists, wrists, elbows, fingers, knees, and feet. Baguazhang's deployment in fighting is similar to boxing. They emphasis on using muscle memory to set up combination strikes the only thing different is they fight in a more circular pattern compared to boxing when it's mostly linear.

BUT if you're short on time all I can say is. Study the basics of fighting-we call this KIHON. What's the first thing that you do when you feel threaten? You punch. Train your muscle memory to block from the left and the right side of an oncoming attack. Do practice drills. After you got the blocks down combine a counter attack with the blocks. Do another practice drill and don't forget image training is really important. After you got the blocks and block+counter add in footwork because footwork is key if they can't reach you they can't hurt you. Plus if you're retreating backwards while watching the attack unfold you can see MANY openings for a knockout.

Some simple fighting pattern from bagua boxing;A=Attack,B=Block,R=Right,L=Left: A>B, B>A, BR>A, BL>A, A>A>B, B>A>A, etc etc. From 2 it becomes 4 from 4 it becomes 8 from 8 it becomes 16 from 16 it becomes 32 from 32 it becomes 64 and onwards. The combination is infinite. Take what you find useful and easy to remember and you will win.

NEVER EVER let a group surround you. Always KEEP moving. The moment they surround it's game over for your. Use the example combinations in conjunction with your footwork and you will be victories. Take up the most mobile stance you are familiar and comfortable with such as the type of bounce that Bruce Lee did or Ali's boxing stance. These stance will keep you nimble and it helps you react to things quickly.

@Blocksystem; Thanks for mentioning my style.

I must respectfully correct you.

Kajukenbo is neither common nor popular. Due to the brutal training methods that the beginner must endure in the first workout in a traditional Kajukenbo school, most beginners do not come back for a second workout. The remaining beginners quit after a week or two. Maybe 1% of all beginners actually stay to train. Of course, this does not apply to the Kajukenbo McDojos, where everyone is totally incompetent.

People who actually do make it to Black Belt usually do not bother to open up a school. They realize that they can never pay the rent with between 5 to 10 students. Commercial Kajukenbo schools are supported by the instructor's day job. They really love the art, that is why they are teaching at a financial loss.

Yes, what is considered good Kajukenbo is considered dirty fighting by other martial artists. But you really have to be desentized to raw violence in order to practice these techniques on your training partner and to have those same techniques done to you.

The training in Kajukenbo is dangerous, scary, violent, brutal, painful and risky. Only people who are not bothered by pain, injury, bruises, blood and getting knocked out can advance in Kajukenbo.

That's why traditional hardcore Kajukenbo is not common and not popular.

Punching the bully who talks the most square in the nose used to work for me...the rest tend to leave you alone when they see their "leader" on the ground in the fetal position, blowing out bubbles of snot mixed with blood...


"Protect yourself, but don't hurt the other guy"...not going to happen. Someone is trying to hurt you, there is no time to be gentle.

"fighting against a group won't work, but take muay Thai and bjj". That's an MMA fan point of view. Not many people can beat multiple opponents unarmed. But you can beat at least one of them so badly that the rest will hesitate. That's sound strategy that has been proven time and time again.

And of course, David is right, you should make every effort to avoid the fight. But if you are in a situation like a school setting, where you are going to see the person/ people everyday, confrontations are inevitable. It's best to deal with them on your terms.

Kajukenbo is a very common and popular technique if you live in America, it combines Ka (Karate) Ju (Judo//Jujutsu) Ken (Kenpo) Bo (Chinese Boxing, also known as Kung Fu) and was designed for street fights. It teaches you how to be prepared for a fight in any situation as well as fighting multiple attackers (a common street-fight scenario) and also teaches techniques that most other schools consider "dirty" (groin kicks, eye gouges, etc)

If you can not find any places that teach Kajukenbo near you, then some really good striking arts would be Karate, Taekwondo, or Kung Fu. Another good technique would be Aikido, which is very defensive and doesn't teach strikes, and takes very long to achieve any level of proficiency, but is really efficient (and funny) once mastered.

you don't want to fight 3 or 5 bullies on your own. make some good tough friends who would stand by you in a fight. In my muay thai we would fight 5 people at a time. Doing this I learned what it feels like and am better prepared for a 3 or 5 fight. On a one on one fight you can't beat Brazilian jiu jitsu

I was told Kung Fu or Chinese Kenpo was created for that reason... up against Street Fighter according from Chinese Kenpo Master. I copy and pasted this link from http://kenichi.wikia.com/wiki/Chinese_Ke...

Chinese Kenpo, also known as Chinese Kung Fu, or Chinese Martial Arts is a fighting style used by many martial artists. It is a diverse martial art as it possesses many different forms and styles, and is used a basis for many other forms of martial arts as well.


The genesis of Chinese martial arts has been attributed to the need for self-defense, hunting techniques and military training in ancient China. Hand-to-hand combat and weapons practice were important in training ancient Chinese soldiers.

Detailed knowledge about the state and development of Chinese martial arts becomes available from the Nanjing Decade (1928–1937), as the Central Guoshu Institute established by the Kuomintang regime made an effort to compile an encyclopedic survey of martial arts schools. Since the 1950s, the People's Republic of China has organized Chinese martial arts as an exhibition and full-contact sport under the heading of Wushu.

Basics Edit

The Basics (基本功) are a vital part of any martial training, as a student cannot progress to the more advanced stages without them; Basics are usually made up of rudimentary techniques, conditioning exercises, including stances. Basic training may involve simple movements that are performed repeatedly; other examples of basic training are stretching, meditation, striking, throwing, or jumping. Without strong and flexible muscles, management of Qi or breath, and proper body mechanics, it is impossible for a student to progress in the Chinese martial arts. A common saying concerning basic training in Chinese martial arts is as follows:

I couldn't type the rest...>.<..

Pretty much any Martial Arts really. They're all effective if taught right by a good teacher. You can choose any of them in your local Dojo, Karate is quite often McDojos. I would say Jiu jutsu (Has grappling and strikes), Taekwondo (Also quite often McDojos). I hope you find a proper Dojo!

Here's something else:

It takes months of practice... You won't be using it RIGHT away, best option is to run.

dont listen to anyone else answering this question cuz theyre retarded, so the truth is you cant really do anything up against 5 guys who are bigger than you, other than running away. BUT if you were to learn a martial art, by far the most affective 2 are mauy thai and jiu jitsu, if youre not really trying to get into martial arts and just wanna defend yourself, then take muay thai.

Realistically, protecting yourself for 3-5 people one's own size is difficult. Krav Maga teaches general self-defense and multiple opponents. I'd recommend that, but don't go expecting you can beat up 5 people bigger than you.

What martial art is best for protecting my self or fight 3 or 5 big bullies?

Im just want to prepare my self in case some bully wants to hit me

try to avoid a fight as much as possible, but if you have to, you have to. Try not to hit them in the face because if you hit them in the face and they bleed and they have a contagious disease or something, you could get it too. But if your facing serious danger of getting hurt don't be afraid of hitting them in the balls, if your in serious danger. if you absolutely have to hit them in the face, it's your decision but

i'd stay away from it as much as possible. Plus body strikes can hurt more than head strikes. And don't try to hurt them, just try to get the fight over with, that could simply take one good punch to the stomach. Don't try to hurt the people.

watch Teen titans robin fighting scenes on youtube . also its not just martial arts , you have to imagine hoe the moves will work and what tge bully will do after each move . picture the fight in your head first like this; first he will walk up and try to punch or push soo then you could picture a move that works . btw try not to KICK because the bully could grab your leg and break it or push you to the ground . so yes martial arts it best but you must watch that video or this one ( Teen titans The Quest full episode )

watch the original karate kid, specifically the scene where mr miyagi owns the kobra kai kids