> What Is Submissions / Takedowns Called In Chinese Kung Fu?

What Is Submissions / Takedowns Called In Chinese Kung Fu?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Great answers by pugpaws2 and Kokoro!

KW: some Chinese styles are very adept at those things. You do not seem to get it that everything and then some from MMA is in TMA. And much more. MMA isn't even a martial art. Not even a partial art, but a simple sport. We keep hoping you will one day grow up enough to realize that.

What a lot of people here don't seem to get is that the terms takedowns, submission and things like standup and ground fighting just were not thought of in that way 30 or more years ago. The traditional schools that taught their style as it was originally did all that as part of the style. We simply did not feel the need to start calling things standup, ground, ...etc. It is the guys that study things that don't have all of that that came up with these terms to describe what they do or don't see in what they have studied. We old timers fought standing, on the ground, sitting in a chair, ....etc. it was just part of the training in our style. We did not need to call it anything but training.


The name for grappling/wrestling is SHUAI JIAO (摔跤) which is a separate discipline in Chinese martial art. SHUAI means "to throw" and JIAO means "to trip" but the older and original meaning meant "horn" as in grabbing the horn of a bull? and throwing it.

The term for takedown is shuāijiāo pāo chū (摔跤抛出). But keep in mind that when you translate, you do not just substitute words in one language with another; that is transliterating and NOT translating. To translate you have to use the phrase that holds the IDEA that you want which often times will only be an approximation because rarely does a word translate in a one to one mapping of words. The western idea of "submission/takedown" is implied within shuāijiāo pāo chū although the literal translation is roughly "using arms to throw using shuāijiāo".

I agree with pugspaw. That is how I was taught. It is the way we still train. We fight standing, kneeling, sitting, on our backs and I sitting in a chair while others are standing. It is all part of our training. The attackers can be armed or unarmed. Sometimes we know and sometimes we dont.

It is not a win or lose type of thing like those that are sports minded try to make it. Either you know enough to survive or you are dead. Then you must learn to improve so you won't die.

pugpaws is completely correct there was no breakdown of styles like there is today

as for the question

submission is tijiao

take down is xia jia

i believe this is for cantonese

kw you have proven once again you have no understanding of martial arts. you should stop answering question that you have no understanding of, which in your case is on anything involving martial arts. there are over 300 styles of kung fu. only a complete and total fool would think they didnt have ground fighting.

you just made yourself sound so ignorant its either that or you are a complete and total lair, so which one is it kw are you the fool or the liar?

and considering i have already posted countless images and videos of kung fu grappling and ground fighting. i know its the latter in your case

I've seen submissions based on chin na, but traditional chin na isn't about submitting your opponent. It is about causing pain and damage to anatomical structures. Old school chin na does this through sheer hand power by crushing, piercing, or pinching soft tissues (muscles, tendons/ligaments, blood vessels, and so on). New school chin na does it with twisting and turning joints.

Shuai jiao is all about putting your opponent on the ground.

You can apply chin na to grappling.


Oh I know this one!

They are called: Submissions and Takedowns!

KW - You're inner bitterness towards your inferior past TMA training talkin' again, mate?

@Varun - Are you asking for the Mandarin/Cantonese translation or a specific name?

I know that Chin Na Qin Na are joint locks and can someone tell me about What are Submissions / Takedowns called in Chinese Kung Fu and please someone give any Walkthrough video about Kung Fu Takedowns / Submissions If known